Feb 10, 2012


International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large
scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional
activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development
initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

Indonesia in Headquarter, Jakarta is currently recruiting the following
REPORTS TO                             : ECB TEAM
year, CARE International worked in 87 countries supporting 905 poverty-fighting
projects and reaching more than 80 million people. CARE International UK (CIUK)
is one of 12 members of the CARE International confederation. CIUK hosts CARE
International’s Shelter and Reconstruction Team, which provides technical
support for emergency and post-emergency recovery programs.
is never more important than in times of crisis. For poor vulnerable families,
a house can be their largest asset. The loss of a house leaves them exposed to
ill health, poor security, indignity and poverty. 
As part
of the broader ECB initiative CI Shelter Team are designing a sectoral
training. The expected result of the training is that national humanitarian
stakeholders and staff in disaster-vulnerable countries have improved
individual and organisationalcapacity to mount faster, higher quality responses in shelter
makers (ACD/CD level) within organisationswho set
strategy, approach and modality of interventions require a basic knowledge of
project management for shelter projects. Without this knowledge it can be a
challenge to produce good quality interventions that meet the needs of the most
vulnerable. Poor shelter projects can easily create conflict or reinforce
existing tensions. 
course seeks to address this by providing shelter specific training to
generalist managers likely to be managing shelter technical staff. It provides
an overview of the key phases of project management for the various types of
shelter interventions, providing participants with the skills to effectively
support the delivery of shelter programming.
The pilot
training will be delivered over three days. Feedback gathered during and after
the pilot will be used to refine the training. The final training package will
be prepared for replication and further delivery. Of the ECB countries
Indonesia chose Shelter as the sector where this training opportunity would be
most beneficial.
target audience is National and International staff:
·       Managers who are likely to be managing shelter technical staff
·       With experience working for an NGO in emergencies
audiences may include M&E staff and other technical staff, particularly
WASH staff.
·       To enable generalist managers to understand the key concepts
required for the project management of a shelter response
·        To increase the number of humanitarian
practitioners able to manage a good quality shelter program
The pilot training will be coordinated and managed
by CARE Indonesia with support from CARE UK and ECB team in Indonesia. 
Expected delivery from National
Facilitator is:
·        He/she will work with the CIUK team to review and
prepare the training.
·        He/she will prepare for, deliver and debrief on the
face-to-face training in March in Indonesia with support facilitators from
·        He/she will provide local examples and help to
contextualize the information before and during the training.
·        He/she will arrange for participants and/or other
humanitarian practitioners to share examples of their experiences during the
·        He/she will ensure that the venue and any required
equipment is suitable, available and functioning.
·        He/she will actively participate in daily debriefs
of the facilitation/organisationteam to learn from experiences of the day and provide suggestions for
·        He/she will support in collecting feedback from
participants on the effectiveness and relevance of the training.
·        He/she will actively participate in a debriefing of
the training with the facilitation/organisationteam.
·        He/she will work for approximately 10days in total.
Relevant experience and skill:
·        Significant experience delivering humanitarian
·        Some field experience delivering a variety of
shelter projects
·        Work experience in Indonesia and have knowledge of
the context i.e. government, humanitarian actors, etc. 
·        Aware of the challenges and solutions of shelter
·        Very good English communications skills (Bahasa
Indonesian desirable)
·        Someone who has some funny/interesting stories
is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits
package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a
cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and
detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees
(including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached
academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code
in the email subject.
Please submit your applications before 16 February, 2012 to:
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources

qualified applicants will be shortlisted"

RFA Program Hibah: Mengoptimalkan Fasilitas Mandi, Cuci, Kakus (MCK) dan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) di Kota Tebing Tinggi dan Tanjung Balai di Sumatera Utara

RFA Program Hibah: Mengoptimalkan Fasilitas Mandi, Cuci, Kakus (MCK) dan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) di Kota Tebing Tinggi dan Tanjung Balai di Sumatera Utara (Optimize Communal Latrine and Waste Water Treatment Plant  in the Cities of Tebing Tinggi and Tanjung
Balai in North Sumatra)
Sebagai bagian dari Program Hibah, IUWASH membuka Request for Application untuk “Mengoptimalkan Fasilitas Mandi, Cuci, Kakus (MCK) dan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) di Kota Tebing Tinggi dan Tanjung Balai di Sumatera Utara” (Optimize Communal Latrine and Waste Water Treatment Plant  in the Cities of Tebing Tinggi and Tanjung
Balai in North Sumatra) dan mengundang organisasi nonpemerintah atau organisasi berbasis masyarakat untuk menjadi mitra pelaksana proyek tersebut.
Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (IUWASH) adalah sebuah proyek yang didanai USAID.
Proyek IUWASH sedang mencari mitra untuk melaksanakan kegiatan di atas.
Ini adalah proyek pilot untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi toilet umum dan instalasi pengolahan air limbah (IPAL), serta untuk mendukung Program STBM di  enam lokasi di Tebing Tinggi dan tujuh lokasi di Tanjung Balai. Proyek ini memiliki empat tujuan utama, yaitu:
 1.Memperbaiki perilaku sanitasi dan kebersihan masyarakat,
 2.Meningkatkan kapasitas Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) untuk mengelola dan merawat fasilitas sanitasi,
 3.Meningkatkan komitmen pemerintah lokal terhadap keberlanjutan Program STBM,
 4.Merancang sistem monitoring dan evaluasi berbasis masyarakat.
Dokumen Request For Application (RFA)
Berikut adalah tautan untuk mengunduh dokumen RFA (link ke dokumen

Kalender Request for Application (RFA) kali ini:
 •10 Februari 2012: Peluncuran RFA
 •14 February 2012: Klarifikasi Request For Application (RFA)
 •28 February  2012: Rapat penjelasan teknis
 •29 February & 1 March 2012: Kunjungan lapangan ke Tebing Tinggi & Tanjung Balai
 •5 March 2012: Tanggapan
terhadap Klarifikasi RFA
 •20 March 2012  16.00 WIB: Tenggat (deadline)
penerimaan proposal
 •21 – 30 March 2012: Evaluasi
 •4 April 2012: Revisi anggaran dan revisi teknis
 •11 April 2012: Pengumpulan proposal perbaikan (beserta anggaran dan teknis)
 •18 April 2012: Pengumuman penerima RFA
 •19 April 2012: Kunjungan lapangan awal (Pre-award survey)
 •26 April 2012: Persetujuan USAID
 •30 April 2012: Kontrak

Warm Regards,
Sie Ket Liong 
Grants and Procurement Assistant North Sumatera 

Feb 9, 2012

Operations Assistant (IOM)

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking anOperations Assistant IIIaccording to the terms of reference below. Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to recruitment-indonesia@iom.int
 not later than17 February 2012 indicating the reference code below as subject. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Reference No                           : SVN/ID10/2012/009
Position Title                             : Operations Assistant III
Duty station                              : Tanjung Pinang - Indonesia 
Classification                            : General Service Staff, Grade 6
Type of Contract                       : Special All Inclusive Contract 3 months with possibility of extension  (unless existing contract is Fixed Term/Regular)
General Functions
Under the direct supervision of the Operations Officer Tanjung Pinang and the overall supervision of the Deputy Chief of Mission, the Operation Assistant III will be responsible for the care and support of Irregular Migrants (IMs) in Tanjung Pinang DetentionCenter, in particular, he/she will:
1.         Responsible for the care and support given to migrants under IOM auspices in his area of responsibility and in strict compliance of the agreed IOM Operational Guidelines.
2.         Monitor activities and ensure that all basic services are provided to all people under IOM auspices in a timely and efficient manner. Basic services to be provided include adequate and appropriate food and water, acceptable accommodation facilities, basic personal supplies and toiletries, security and medical assistance, including psycho-social counselling.
3.         Visit migrants in the Immigration Detention Center on a daily basis and undertake activities as indicated in the visit activity / work plan prepared in coordination with supervisor.
4.         Provide counselling to migrants on their option of continued stay in Indonesia or voluntary return to country of origin.
5.         Prepare and submit reports of visit conducted to the Operation Officer.
6.         Coordinate with the Medical and Psychosocial teams to ensure that all migrants in our care are provided adequate and appropriate medical services, including psychosocial counselling.
7.         Monitor the basic supplies given to migrants on agreed schedule.
8.         Identify hotels that can provide sufficient services at reasonable prices and may be considered as places to accommodate Irregular Migrants.
9.         Coordinate with Hotel owners and relevant hotel staffs to ensure that accommodation for Irregular Migrants are within the agreed standard.
10.     Mediate between Irregular Migrants and hotel owners in cases of dispute and ensure that issues are properly settled.
11.     Review and ensure that payments for hotels, other service providers and local authorities are correct and necessary.
12.     Coordinate with local authorities on Irregular Migrants activities in area of responsibility.
13.     Coordinate with Operation Officer to arrange for transport for Irregular Migrants movements.
14.     As assigned by the Operations Officer, provide escort assistance as required and ensure that specific duties as escort are carried out efficiently and effectively. 
15.     Ensure that all relevant staff are informed of any change in migrant’s status.
16.     Ensure accurate and updated information is provided for statistics.
17.     Assist Operations officer to handle the new arrival of the migrants and to coordinate with the local authorities to arrange the security, food and lodging and purchase the basic needs for the migrants.
18.     Assist the Operations officer to solve the problem in the fields.
19.     Assist the Operations officer in monitoring the migrant’s activities in the fields.
20.     Provide monthly report of the activities to in the field the Operations Officer.
21.     Supervise operation assistant I and II staffs at the Operations Unit in the field in close coordination with Operations Officer.
22.     Assist the Operations Officer for the training of extensions programme in the field. 
23.     Undertake other duties that maybe assigned from time to time are commensurate to the position.
Desirable Qualifications:
University Degree in Management, Economics, Political, social science or business and counselling. At least five years of experience in any of these fields, particularly in dealing with migrants care or livelihoods projects.Ability to work effectively and harmoniously within a team from varied cultures and professional background. 
Possess strong organizational and communication skill, detail oriented, committed,   efficient and flexible. Have ability to establish priorities and plans, ability to work under pressure and cope with deadlines. Proficient in computer applications.
Good written and spoken communications skills, good interpersonal skills, high loyalty, ability to work in a multi - cultural environment and good working in team.
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia both oral and written.

Vacancy for JiKTI Program Officer

Jaringan Peneliti Kawasan Timur Indonesia (JiKTI) adalah jaringan 
peneliti yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2007. Anggotanya adalah para 
peneliti atau penggiat penelitian di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI). Pada bulan Juni 2010 - November 2011, JiKTI mendapat dukungan dari The 
Asia Foundation untuk melakukan peningkatan kapasitas dan pengembangan 
organisasi. Fase berikutnya dari program tersebut akan berjalan dari 
Januari - September 2012. Pada fase ini, JiKTI akan fokus pada 
pengembangan organisasi untuk menjadi sebuah professional research organization.

Untuk itu, Yayasan BaKTI (www.bakti.org, www.batukar.info), selaku sekretariat JiKTI, membuka kesempatan bagi kandidat yang kreatif dan penuh inovasi untuk mengisi posisi JiKTI Program Officer, di mana 
kandidat yang bersangkutan akan mendukung dan mengkoordinasi aktivitas 
JiKTI, serta mendorong upaya-upaya inovatif dalam rangka mempersiapkan 
JiKTI menjadi lembaga riset profesional.

Keterangan mengenai posisi ini dan bagaimana melamarnya ada di dalam dokumen terlampir.

Tenggat waktu untuk pengiriman aplikasi adalah Jumat, 17 Februari 2012, pukul 17.00 WITA. Aplikasi dikirimkan ke jobs@bakti.org.

Vacant position in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara: PROJECT OFFICER (PO)

International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large
scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional
activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development
initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

Indonesia in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara is currently recruiting the following
JOB TITLE                                       :PROJECT OFFICER (PO)
REPORTS TO                                  : PROJECT MANAGER
The Project Officerwill supervise directly the
Community Facilitator in city level and will work closely with Community
Mobilization Specialist, Water & Sanitation Specialist, Institutional
Development Specialist, Gender consultant and Regulation development
More specifically the specialist will assist and
support the PM in the following activities in the three participating
·      Coordinate project implementation with WES working
team (Pokja-AMPL), other related sectors and projects;
·      Establish relationships with key project GOI and
LNGO, CBO and private partners at municipality levels;
·      Supervise implementation of all project components
in the related municipalities;
·      Participate in selection and supervise Urban
Community Facilitators (CF).
·      Assist the PM and Pokja-AMPL in securing matching
funds from related local GOI, municipal agencies and private sector;
·      Coordinate, facilitate and supervise the
implementation of the project consultative meetings with municipalities,
sub-municipalities and eligible communities during the urban village selection
process. Facilitate needs assessment in the eligible areas;
·      Review and prioritize Letters of Commitment
submitted by communities interested in participating in KOTA project and other
related supporting projects initiated in urban areas by KOTA project. Assist
Pokja-AMPL in the selections of communities according to the selection criteria
and process in an open and transparent manner;
·      Determine the training need necessary for the city
forums component and other urban village projects;
·      Organize regular and annual review meetings with
KOTA project key stakeholders to monitor project progress and develop
responsive actions for the problem developed;
·      Prepare narrative reports for any other urban
project implemented as a part of KOTA project;
·      Supervise data collection, entry and analysis for
the KOTA project component.  
Community Facilitator
section may include both internal and external relationships
INTERNAL PM, ROC, Admin Officer, Admin Assistant,  Finance Officer, Watsan Specialist, Gender Specialist, Institutional Development Specialist, Monev Specialist 
EXTERNAL Community, PDAM, Dinas Kesehatan & Related Institution & kelurahan
·      Have a degree Environmental/Civil Engineering,
Public Health and other relevant field;
·      At least 3 years experience with International
NGO  and 3 years experience in related
technical aspects in urban area;
·      Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia (Verbal and
·      Ability to work with a team and with minimum
·      Demonstrated capacity to work as a team member; 
·      Facility with Excel and Word Office application.
Travel 80 % on the area project covered.
CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a
competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment.
Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability
for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and
addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email
address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state
clearly the applied position code in the email subject.
Please submit your applications before 17 February, 2012 to
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources
qualified applicants will be shortlisted"

Vacant position in Palopo, South Sulawesi: MONEV. OFFICER (MO)

International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large
scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional
activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development
initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

Indonesia in Palopo, South Sulawesi is currently recruiting the following
JOB TITLE                                       : MONEV.  OFFICER (MO)
REPORTS TO                                  : PROJECT
The monitoring and evaluation will require
developing and populating a project data base and generating reports on the
status of established performance indicators.
The Monev. Officer reports to the Program
·      Develop
routine monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual data collection systems
(information to be collected, recording formats, schedules, and who
responsible) that record and document observable (both qualitative and
quantitative) outputs, outcomes, and impact;
·      Designing
a “CAR (Collection, Analysis and Reporting Indicator Framework” in coordination
with the project team;
·      Assist
in monitoring project indicators as they relate to the overall project design,
goals, and objectives;
·      Ensure
that all indicators meet Donor requirements (e.g. are specific, defined,
useful, and measurable with project resources); 
·      Manage
the data collection schedules and activities of Information Monitoring &
Evaluation Officers and other field staff as necessary, ensuring good
coordination between Monev/MIS and Program Field Staff;
·      Oversee
the creation of a database system that can easily and accurately input data
into the system; Funnel and organize the data; Output the data in forms (such
as charts, graphs, tables, maps) that are easily understood and useful to all
·      Prepare
and provide routine/scheduled MonEv reports and ad-hoc reports as required;
·      Develop
capacity of MonEv and program staff in setting goals and objectives,
identifying outputs, outcomes, and impacts, and collecting and using indicator
·      Provide
training for the SWASH staff in the MIS procedures, data entry, reporting, and
other topics necessary for data collection and the implementation of the
monitoring and evaluation activities;
·      Develop and produce reports of the monitoring data in a format provided
by the Program Manager.  The reports will
be in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
section may include both internal and external relationships
INTERNAL PM, Regional Office Coordinator, Finance Officer, Admin & Procurement Officer, District Facilitator & Village Facilitator. 
EXTERNAL Community 
·        University graduate with S1 in statistics,
management, social sciences, or similar discipline;
·        Minimum of 2 years experience developing data bases
with MS Access and/or MS Excel.  Must be
able to develop reports in tabular format and track data over a multi-year
·        At least 1 year experience in monitoring large
projects.  This experience should include
collecting and coordinating data from remote sites and providing support to
staff responsible for monitoring the activities;
·        Working knowledge of English.  Must be able to convert data collected in
Bahasa Indonesia into reports that are in both Bahasa Indonesia and English;
·        Good attention in details.
Palopo 90%; Travel 10%
is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits
package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a
cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and
detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees
(including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached
academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code
in the email subject.
Please submit your applications before 17 February, 2012 to:
CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources
 "Only qualified
applicants will be shortlisted"

Vacancy in Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI)

Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI) is an association of all
players in the specialty coffee value chain with the mission to improve the
quality and quantity of Indonesian Specialty Coffee. The members of the
associationn includes farmers, exporters, importers, roasters, retailers
and supporting professionals such as researchers, government institution
and consultants.

To improve its services to the members and cope with the growing
activities, the association has vacancy of

1) Administration Assistant (1)

Job Description :

a) Office Administration includes logistics management, SCAI contacts,
correspondences and publication, the maintenance of Office Supplies
stock, document filing, handling visitors and telephone calls and
b) Memberships Administration of SCAI members (registration and updates)
c) Media Management (email, website, social media maintenance, image
collection and library, presentation material development)
d) Finance Administration (book keeping and reporting)

a) Graduate from secretarial or business studies
b) Minimum 2 years experience in office administration

c) Able to work methodically, accurately and neatly
d) Good oral and written communication and interpersonal skills
e) Able to work under pressure and with minimum supervisor
f) Able to work in a fast-paced environment
g) Has passion to do a greater good for the community
h) Has ability to learn and take initiative
i) Creative and Innovative
j) Fluency in English is an advantage
k) Understand accounting is an advantage
l) Experience in non-profit organization is an advantage
m) Computer literacy
n) Education background : at least diploma from any discipline

2) Volunteers (5)

Association also invites the participation from the community to do
volunteering job in order to support the mission of association to improve
the quality and promote Indonesia Specialty Coffee.

The association needs volunteers to

a) Manage Website and Social Media (2 volunteers)

b) Designer for association’s promotion materials (1 volunteer)

c) Accountant (1 volunteer)

d) Event management volunteer (1 volunteer)

The interested candidates can send its CV to Ina_Murwani@sca-indo.org or
 at the latest 16 February 2012.

Feb 8, 2012

Project Assistant for TIRI Indonesia

Tiri-Making Integrity Work is an independent non-profit organization that works with governments, business, universities, and civil society to find practical solutions to making integrity work. For more information please visit www.tiri.org

In Indonesia, Tiri works closely with Partnership for Governance Reform (Kemitraan).

Partnership for Governance Reform is a multi-stakeholder association dedicated to support Indonesian initiatives aimed at supporting governance reform in Indonesia .

In partnership with Kemitraan, Tiri is seeking a competent and experienced Indonesian with high personal integrity and deep understanding on the systemic Integrity issues to fill the position of :

Project Assistant

Summary of key functions :    
Reporting to Project Manager for the Tiri Indonesia Programme and working closely with the other colleagues and partners, the Project Assistant will undertake diverse administration, finance, and reporting functions.  His or her responsibilities also include maintain good communication relations with Tiri’s partners. He/she will help to ensure the full compliance with Tiri’s and donors’ policies and requirements.

Recruitment Qualifications :    

1. At least a Bachelor’s degree in business administration, accounting, finance, or related field;
2. Minimum of 4 years progressively in project management and experience in events organizing, especially with universities, government and donor agencies;
3. Knowledge of the programme management and grants management is an asset;
4. Ability to work well with people from various regions, cultures and context;
5. Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English;
6. Having good communication and interpersonal skill;
7. Ability to work under pressure;
8. Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office software (MS Word, Excel, etc); 
9. Having knowledge and skill to operate financial software (SUN System, Quick Book, etc);
10. Available for frequent traveling assignment.

Please visit http://www.kemitraan.or.id/main/publication_detail/21/44
for more details of the position.

Application deadline : February 23, 2012

Female candidates are encouraged to apply

Please DO NOT send your application letter to this Yahoo! email address.

Partnership's Vision:
A fair, democratic and prosperous Indonesia built on sustainable good governance principles and practices.

Burung Indonesia Vacancy - Consultant

Burung Indonesia (BirdLife Indonesia
Association) is the Indonesian partner of BirdLife International - a global
partnership of conservation organizations that strives to conserve birds,
their habitats, and global biodiversity. It was established on 15 July 2002,
as an independent Indonesian non-government organisation, after working for
10 years as the program office of BirdLife International in Indonesia.

The project is located in Mbeliling forest area, District of Manggarai
Barat, East Nusa Tenggara. The objective of the project is to improve
sustainable livelihoods of local communities through participatory forest

We have immediate vacancies for the following positions:

1. Hydrologist 

. Overall purpose of the job:

To undertake an assessment of the status and present conditions from the
perspective of conservation and sustainability of water sources (rivers and
springs) that derive from the Mbeliling Forest and provide technical
recommendations for conservation actions that are required by the local
government and inhabitants.

. Requirements:

- MSC in hydrology.

- At least 3 years of relevant working experience

- Good knowledge and experience of survey condition of the primary water
sources (rivers and springs) 

- Able to write technical report and provide technical assistance to the
local government related to the result of the study

- Good training skills

- Ability to write in English will be an advantage

2. Community-based Ecotourism Expert

. Overall purpose of the job:

To prepare the concept of community-based ecotourism in the Mbeliling
landscape and secure the legal backing for implementing the community- based
ecotourism concept.

. Requirements:

- S2 in tourism

- Wider knowledge in tourism and government tourism policies. 

- At least 5 years experience in ecotourism development.

- Strong network with ecotourism networking at regional, national
and international level.

- Able to write technical report and provide technical assistance to
the local government related to the result of the study

- Ability to write in English will be an advantage

Burung Indonesia invites qualified individuals to submit their interest for
the following positions by sending CV to:
 on 16 February 2012 at the latest. 


Burung Indonesia

Jl. Dadali No. 32, 

BOGOR 16161

Telp. +62 251 8357 222

Fax. +62 251 8357 961

Website: www.burung.org

Job Vacancy at CWS Indonesia as Assessor, based Cipayung, Bogor

CWS Indonesia (www.cwsindonesia.or.id)
is an international relief, development, and refugee assistance agency that has
been operating in Indonesia
for many years under an agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs. CWS
Indonesia is the field office of CWS, Inc., headquartered in New York. CWS assists the most vulnerable,
regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
is implementing a UNHCR-funded program in Jakarta
and Bogorthat assists refugees
and asylum seekers to access basic services such as health care, and provides
skills training and education programs.
CWS is now looking to fill the
following position:
Assessor- 1 person based in
Cipayung, Bogor
Duration of contract : 11 months 
·         Hold Diploma(D3) in
Social and Politics, Humanities, or related field.
·         Good communication in both spoken and written Bahasa
Indonesia and English 
·         Ability to interact and communicate with wide range of
stakeholder (NGO networks, government institutions, local communities and
·         Able to work
independently with minimum supervision and to handle multi tasking jobs
·         Possessing computer skills, including
internet communication/ and various office applications (Microsoft Words,
Excel, MS Access and Power Point)
·         Able to work in a team and work
harmoniously in a multi-cultural environment
·         Experience working with INGO or International
environment is beneficial
·         Willing to work outside working hour if
necessary or in emergency situation
·         Willing to travel to
the project sites frequently 
·         Female  applicants are encouraged to apply.
The Field Officer-Assessor position is required to
support CWS program in Jakarta & West Java-Cipayung. The Field
Officer-Assessor will report to Program Manager for all kinds of reporting and
communication concerning the project.  Knowledge and advice on progress and challenges found in the field will
be required in the areas related to psychosocial support program.  The position also requires coordination/
communication with CWS Programs staff as well as managerial, administration and
documentation skills. Ability to be flexible in working with refugees and as
part of the team is essential.
Implementation of CWS program in Jakarta
and West Java-Cipayung
·         Conduct needs assessment on Persons of Concern
(PoC), initial assessment, socioeconomic assessment and Best Interest
Assessment (BIA), including re-assessment as requested by UNHCR.
·         Provide assistance to the refugees in emergency
cases (health services, accommodation, etc.)  
·         Provide simple translation for POCs both in English
and Bahasa Indonesia. Coordinate with UNHCR’s interpreter in providing
translation during the assessment or interview session 
·         Provide supports on every CWS’ activity and other
occasions and assist in contacting the PoCs to attend CWS’ activity
·         Contact PoCs to invite them to participate in CWS’
activities (counseling, commemoration days, etc). 
2. Documentation and report writing
·         Provide
information, data and reports in timely manner as requested.
·         Ensure that all program documentation and reports
are prepared and filed properly and in timely manner.
·         Provide reports on field visit/ cases of refugees
·         Provide progress reports of CWS program
3. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
·         Provide support in monitoring program implementation in the field.
4. Internal communication and coordination
·         Communicate and coordinate with finance staff on financial issues of the
·         Communicate and coordinate with other Program officers on programmatic
·         Communicate and coordinate with administration staff on administration
issues, such as coordination onvehicle’s requirement when
traveling to project sites.
5. Others
·         Do other tasks related to the PURE project implementation as requested by the
Program Manager. 
Applications should include a cover letter, reflecting motivation; a CV,
Including two references; expected gross salary and contact number by
 22nd February  2012,. Please send applications in MS Word format (maximum 200KB) to

Feb 7, 2012

Logistics Officer - URGENTLY NEEDED

CADG, a leading organization in engineering, agriculture and
community development requires an enthusiastic Logistics Officer to join the Engineering
team in Afghanistan. 
Central Asia Development Group is one of the leading private
contractors in southern region of Afghanistan. 
CADG Engineering focuses on the reconstruction and
rehabilitation of infrastructure projects in this region, such as
implementation of large scale road construction, vertical construction and
irrigation engineering programs. 
CADG Engineering has invested heavily in capital equipment
and has mobilized it to mostly remote areas that are plagued with poor security
and a difficult environment. 
The duties of the Logistics
Officer include: 
·Procure goods, components and parts according
to established purchasing policies & procedures 
·Liaise with a variety of parties, including
suppliers of raw materials, manufacturers, retailers and, increasingly,
·Work with suppliers to negotiate and achieve
best pricing 
·Keep an updated database of suppliers and
price list in the region. 
·Liaise with suppliers and sub-contractors on
delivery and payment terms 
·Be responsible for inventory control. 
·Receive of incoming goods and material 
·Handle Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders 
·Perform Ad – hoc administration duties
and attributes: 
· Degree / Diploma
Holder with 1-2 years of experience. 
· Proactive and able
to work independently 
· Ability to work
well in changing, entrepreneurial environment 
· Team-oriented
· Outgoing ,
flexible and proactive personality 
· Proven ability to
operate under pressure 
· Strong oral and
written communication skills 
Date: March 2012
send your complete application to Email: renu@central-asia.net 

Berau Forest Finance Coordinator

Dear Groups,

The Nature Conservancy is a global conservation organization dedicated to preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters to survive.

Currently we are looking for the following position:
Berau Forest Finance Coordinator

The Finance Coordinator will be based in Berau Office – East Kalimantan and will be supervised by Forest Senior Operations Manager. S/he is expected to work closely with the finance officer in Berau in cooperation with Berau Program Leader.

Report to Forest Senior Operations Manager with the main responsibilities are:
• S/he will be fully responsible for sending accurately and timely financial reports to Balikpapan office.
• S/he ensures the accounting processes are done in accordance with Indonesia regulation and US GAAP.
• S/he must ensure that the financial administration are done appropriately and fully comply with TNC Standard Operating Procedures.
• On the budget aspect he/she will provide support to the Senior Operations Manager in budgeting process and cost control, s/he must work closely with Senior Operations Manager in order to be able to compile all the necessary information for the preparation of the budget for Forest Program.
• On the internal audit aspect s/he will conduct regular visit and mini audit in Berau field office.
• Serve the Senior Operations Manager and Jakarta Operating Unit to ensure compliance with internal and external financial, accounting, and administrative policies and procedures
• S/he must do a thorough review of all payment requests and make an initial signature before releasing the payment. If s/he is on absent, then the Senior Operations Manager will take it over.
• S/he must carry out regular physical check of the Petty Cash Box (at least once in a month).
• S/he must familiar with local tax and international tax regulations.

• Bachelor’s degree and 2-4 year of related work experience or equivalent combination.
• Knowledge of US GAAP and understanding of the basic principles of fund accounting
• May require working knowledge of grants accounting.
• Solid knowledge and experience using automated systems.
• Demonstrated experience in MS Office, Word, Excel and knowing Oracle Financial Application is preferred. May require database management skills with ability to produce reports. Ability to use advanced computer functions including ability to navigate the Internet.
• Proven organizational skills and attention to detail.
• Excellent communication skills
• Demonstrated flexibility to changing situation and priorities.
• Excellent communication in English both oral and writing

This position will be base in Berau Field Office.

Please send your CV and application form to recruitment.indo@tnc.org, not later than February 12, 2012. Please insert subject: Berau Forest Finance Coordinator in your email.

Food Processing Specialist & Food Marketing Spezialisty

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) welcomes applications from qualified Indonesian national candidates for the following vacancy.  Each candidate should send Application along with curriculum vitae, accompanied by a recent photograph and photocopy of your highest qualification addressed to:
UNIDO-ILO Maluku Pelagandong Project
MalukuTechnology Center , Jl. Wolter Monginsidi, Passo, Ambon 
(ex-kanwil pertanian)
Or send electronically to: pelagandong.project@yahoo.com / rkp1969@rediffmail.com / fairy_carol@yahoo.com

Closing date:  17th  February  2012
Job Description
Food Processing Specialist
title:                                           National
Consultant (Food Processing Specialist) 
Duration:                                           12 days(including travel and report
station:                         Ambon Island, Maluku Province
Local Counterpart:          BAPPEDA of MalukuProvince
Partner:  International
Labour Organisation (ILO)
National Consultant will work under the overall direction and supervision of
the Project Manager, Technical Project Advisor (TPA) and in close cooperation
with the Technical Project Officer (TPO) and National Project Coordinator
(NPC). He/she will be responsible to analyze the production process and improve
product quality for the value added products produced by village productivity
groups established under the Project in the Ambon Island villages. The
assignment will also include providing advice on final product quality and
S/he will in close cooperation with the groups:
1.      Assist
groups in streamlining/improving the production process with a view to improve
productivity and costs, product quality, durability and marketability for
chips, juice and abon ikan groups.
2.      Demonstrate
how to produce better quality products with the available tools and materials. 
3.      Explain
the issues related to improving hygiene and sanitation and assist groups in
implementing measures to improve hygiene.
4.      Propose
additional equipment for improving product quality and productivity.
5.      Provide
on-site instruction for TPO to improve advisory services to VPGs.
§         Implement
exemplarily described improvements with at least 2 groups per commodity.
§         Enable
TPO to continue implementation of production improvements with VPGs.
§         Submit
brief report on activities carried out and 
§         Give
detailed account of additional recommendations relating to above points 1 to 5.
§         Bachelor
degree in Food processing and technology;
§         Practical
experience of working with food processing industry.

Food Marketing
Post title:                        National
Consultant (Food Marketing Specialist)
Duration:                               14 days (including travel and 4 days
Date required:                      2011
Duty station:             Ambon Island
Local Counterpart:BAPPEDA of Maluku Province
Implementing Partner:International Labour Organisation (ILO)
The National
Consultant will work under the overall direction and supervision of the Project
Manager and National Project Coordinator (NPC) and in close cooperation with
the Technical Project Advisor (TPA). He/she will be responsible to develop
marketing strategies for products produced by village productivity groups (VPG)
established under the Project. 
S/he will:
§         Determine
possible markets and marketing channels for the products produced by VPGs (for
those produced by more than one group);
§         Assess
products according to market relevance (product quality, design and packaging);
§         Propose
appropriate market segments and related marketing channels
§         Propose
follow-up activities and suitable marketing events/advertising activities
§         Provide
ad-hoc advice to VPGs and project staff;
§         Prepare
summary report to project staff after field work:
§         Prepare
a detailed report including proposals relating to above points.
§         Proven
practitioner with a wide experience in food marketing in Indonesia;
§         Experience
with advising local producers in marketing of their products.

Chemonics seeks Regional Office Director in Mataram, Lombok

Chemonics International seeks a Regional Office Director to be located in
Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara for the USAID-funded Indonesia Marine and
Climate Support (IMACS) project. This project provides technical support
for improving key marine and fisheries sector components with the Ministry
of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), local governments, coastal
communities, and the private sector.

Responsibilities include:

· Overseeing regional office personnel and operations to ensure
that accounting, procurement, documentation and reporting systems are
consistent with Chemonics policies and best practices.

· Promoting dialog among central and local government agencies,
universities, private sector and coastal communities on sustainable
fisheries management and climate change adaptation issues.

· Recommending activities for strengthening local government
capacity and the regulatory framework for marine and fisheries sector


· Advanced degree preferred but not required

· Knowledge of Indonesia’s policies on fisheries mangement and
climate change adaptation.

· Experience with implementing training activities for local

· Previous work involving the development of local government

· At least 7 years experience in a role relevant to the work listed

· Proficiency speaking and writing in English

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume with the
subject: “Regional Office Director” to IMACSproject@gmail.com as soon as
possible but no later than February 24, 2012. Finalists will be contacted.

Feb 6, 2012

Project Manager DRR - Norwegian Red Cross

Project Manager DRR
Norwegian Red Cross (NorCross) is a member of the world wide Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement working in the fields of relief and assistance and the development of Partner Red Cross / Red Crescent societies. 
Norwegian Red Cross has had a bilateral cooperation with Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) since the tsunami in 2005, and currently supports a range of long-term projects related to Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction, logistics and warehouse management, and youth and non-violence.
Norwegian Red Cross is currently seeking a Project Manager for the Indonesia Red Cross Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project implemented in East Java and North Maluku Provinces. 
Duties and Responsibilities:
* To support Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in managing and implementing the disaster risk reduction (DRR) project.
* To have line management responsibility, supervise and coach the DRR Senior Program Officer
·         To encourage PMI to enhance links with local institutions to promote resource mobilization and sustainability.
* To coordinate and liaise with PMI-NHQ, PMI chapters and branches implementing the  project 
* To review and provide technical assistance to PMI on DRR training content and ensure that the objectives of training are met 
* To manage the budget and finances of the project, and to ensure compliance with all NorCross rules and regulations.  
* To conduct field visits to project sites to collect information and to ensure project activities meet the specified objectives 
* Strengthen PMI Chapter and Branches (Board Members, Staff and Volunteers) Capacity Building through training, facilitation and technical advise 
* To submit monthly & quarterly reports to NorCross Country Manager
* Draft proposals and reports related to the project
* To analyze and evaluate DRR project to improve the services provided
* Liaise with PMI NHQ on a regular basis to ensure adequate support and coordination 
* Provide leadership in developing strategic relationships with counterparts in key government and non government agencies.
* To strengthen wider DRR capacity & systems as well as to ensure that NorCross & PMI are strategically position and highly regarded among partners/stakeholders
* In coordination with PMI, develop and strengthen strategic alliances with Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement partners, NGOs, government, and other key stakeholders.
* Respect and observe the Code of Conduct and staff regulations. 
* Relevant university degree or equivalent qualification. Masters Degree is preferred
* 4 years experience in the field of disaster risk reduction
* 4 years experience with  International Development or Relief or related professional experience at a similar capacity
·         Relevant experience of planning and managing budgets and ofplanning, implementation and monitoring of projects
·         Previous experience of managing & supporting staff 
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills 
* Proficiency in English and Indonesian (written and spoken) required. 
* Self-supporting in computers (Windows, Spreadsheets, Word Processing) 
* Past experience working with Red Cross/Red Crescent or NGO is an asset.
* Self-motivated, with good judgment and initiative.
* Able to prioritize, meet deadlines, and achieve results through collaboration.
* Must be flexible and adaptive to change
Application deadline: 17th February 2012
Please submit your application to email : recruitment@norcross-indo.org
and quote the position in your subject of email and only shortlisted candidate will be notified. 

AcF Vacancy - Contingency Stock Officer - to be based in Jakarta

 Action Contre la Faim – Indonesia Mission
OFFICER (1 position)
Code                            : RJA/001/MERCY/Emergency Stock Officer/I/12
Location                       : Jakarta
Start date                     : asap
Duration of contract      : until December 31st, 2012
Objective 1
: Manage the stocks :
Activities :
-          Identify
the equipment entering and outing and check the quality and quantity;
-          Ensure
follow-up of stocks and pay particular attention to use-by dates of food and
-          Draw up a
monthly inventory and write an inventory report ;
-          Keep up to
date stocks forms;
-          Place the
orders in material and food according to the inventory and the stocks’ definite
Objective 2 : Ensure that the stores
are hygienic and clean: 
Activities :
-          Check
daily that the store is clean and is regularly disinfected and ventilated;
-          Check the
temperature and humidity of the store;
-          Check the
sanitary conditions of new products (absence of parasites);
-          Remove
infected products and inform the base logistician/logistic manager/emergency preparedness & response manager;
-          Treat the
infected products according to the instructions;
-          Separate
foodstuffs from the others;
-          Set up a
protection against the animals and harmful insects and treat as of the first
signs from infection.
3 : Manage cargos and shipments:
Activities :
-          Complete
the various dispatch documents;
-          Supervise
preparation and charging of products and equipment.
4 : Check the quality of the food stuff to be stocked :
Activities :
-          Examine
the deliveries : quantity, quality, documentation;
-          Check the
sanitary conditions of the products entering;
-          Report any
problem with the quality.
Diploma /
Level of studies:  Diploma/University study
skills:  Command of reading and writing – Good ability
to work in shifts –  Command  of arithmetic –  Knowledge of English  
Please submit your CV and Application Letter in
English with at least two references to : acfrecruitment@yahoo.fr before Wednesday, February 15th, 2012 attn.
to Human Resources Manager. Please put the code & title of position on your
application. Due to the need the applications will be processed soon before
closing date. 
Only short list candidates
will be contacted, tested and interviewed.
members are committed to respect the 6 leading principles of the organization:
independence, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims,
professionalism and transparency. ACF is an equal opportunity

Vacant Position in Jakarta: SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER (SPO)

International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large
scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional
activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development
initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

Indonesia Head Quarter in Jakarta is currently recruiting the following
JOB TITLE                                       :
REPORTS TO                                  : PROGRAM OPERATION
support to Program unit in contract management and program start up,
implementation and completion.
1.       Program
information and operations:
·        Prepare and maintain core project files (including
reports, contract, proposal, budget, log frame, schedule and format donor
reporting, and extension approvals) for Program Operation Manager, Project
Manager, Program Leader; 
·        Develop and maintain internal project documents,
including monthly reports, donor reports, staffing plan and communications;
·        Track key dates for project start up, midterm
review and close down for each project and collaborate with relevant Program
staff on sharing information and discussing action items with other departments;
·        Track program reporting schedule in coordination
with Program Design & Quality Manager and Program Operation Manager;
·        Ensure all core project filed electronically and
undertake role as administrator of intranet, shared drive, etc for Program
Department (i.e. ensure regular backups of key documents);
·        Update and distribute project data and
information updates (project name, ID/IDN, PM, contact details, etc);
·        Preparing all supporting document for contract
consultant and ensure all payment settled as scheduled;
·        Conduct internal and external research as
requested by Program Operation Manager;
·        Key person for reviewing sub-grant agreement from
program unit related to CARE policy and procedures;
·        C-PIN coordinator to update and compile survey
database and questionnaire from each project;
·        Compile CII Program summary/presentation for GOI;
·        Ready to deploy temporarily to a program where
the PM was not be able to running and continue its role, to assess and review
the programmatic, administration and financial and reporting to his supervisor; 
·        Other tasks as given by his supervisor
2.      Administration: 
·        Arrange appointments, meetings and monitoring
schedule for Program unit;
·        Communication and coordination between Program
Design & Quality Manager and Program Operation Manager;
·        Link communication between communication units to
provide necessary information;
·        Manage Program unit events (workshops, meetings,
visits) including Monthly Program Coordination Meeting;
·        Communication and coordination between program
and other unit for outboard arrangement trip;
·        Prepare and distribute outgoing correspondence.
section may include both internal and external relationships 
Key Relationship Position Relationship 
Internal Program Operation Manager Direct supervisor 
  Program Design & Quality Manager Coordination 
  Other staffs Coordination 
External Partners, donors Coordination 
1.       Bachelor
degree from Management, English.
2.      Minimum
3 years experience NGO, preferably in the level of Program Manager/Coordinator 
3.      Ability
to multitask and proactively follow up on issues.
4.      Attention
to detail.
5.      Ability
to communicate in English, both spoken and written.
6.      Good
in writing report.
7.      Literacy
in computer, word processing, spread sheet and simple data base
8.      Ability to work in team and under pressure.
Jakarta 90% ; Travel 10%
is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits
package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a
cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and
detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees
(including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached
academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code
in the email subject.
Please submit your applications before 13 February 2012 to CARE International
Human Resources Unit:
qualified applicants will be shortlisted"

Feb 5, 2012

Vacancy Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project Officer in KARINA (Caritas Indonesia).

Job Title:                                DRR
Project Officer
Location:                               Jakarta
Division:                                Program
Date:                                       a.s.a.p.
KARINA (Caritas Indonesia) is the humanitarian arm of
the Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia based in East Jakarta and is officially
considered as a member of the Caritas Internationalis confederation. Established
in mid-2006, it recently completed its first strategic planning in early 2008.
One of the results of the strategic planning is the identification of 2 (two) main
divisions: Programs Division and Support Division. KARINA (Caritas Indonesia) acts
as a coordinating and facilitating body for all the 37 Dioceses incorporated
under the Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia.
The Program Division is comprised of areas: DRR Unit,
ER Unit and Capacity Building Unit.
The DRR Project Officer will report to the DRR
The contract is for 1(one) year period.
The jobholder will plays a key role in covering all
aspects related to the DRRProject and DRR Contact and Network in
order to support the successful implementation of projects.

A.      DRR Project
1.        1. Communicate
with 12 Dioceses
regarding all DRR activities. 
22      2. Planand facilitate DRR project implementation for targeteddioceses. 
3.        3. Prepare
materials necessary for all DRR project.
4.        4. Provide
technical assistance for Dioceses in DRR activityto support the
implementation of actionplan. 
5.        5. Ensure
the Dioceses implement their actionplanand providing
assistance as requested by the Dioceses. 
6.        6. Monitor
budget for DRR project activities.
7.        7. Write
monthly report of DRR project to DRR Coordinator. 
8.        8. Write
midterm and final analysis report of DRR project.
        9. Ensure DRR activities are aligned with DRR-ER program in particual and KARINA in general.

B.      DRR Contact and Network
1.        Ready to deploy
to emergency areas as a representative of KARINA.
2.        Involve in
coordination meetings regarding disaster with Diocesan Caritas.
3.        As institution’s
representative in DRR coordination forums in Indonesia.
4.        Facilitate
sharing of information, lessons learned, and experiences for staff and Diocesan
Caritas institutions. 
5.        Facilitate
sharing of information, lessons learned, experiences inter Diocesan Caritas.
6.        If necessary,
conduct other tasks required within the scope of KARINA.
1.        Completed studies
(Graduate/Bachelor/Master) in Social Science, Development or in other related
2.        Minimum 2years experience in DRR or Community Development
3.        Understands the
concept and strategy of Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction. 
4.        Excellent
writing skills, specifically in the field of reporting, developing concepts,
proposals, etc.
5.        Ableto work
independently and in a team, being flexible and able to finalize tasks in a
given time frame.
6.        Strong
organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.
7.        Good diplomacy,
tact and negotiation skills.
8.        Fluent in English
both oral and written. 
9.        Experience in
emergency response is preferable. 
10.     Computer literate (able to use computer with basic
Microsoft Office software)
11.     Physically and mentally strong, endurance in pressure.
12.     Ready to be placed in any disasters and remote areas.
a.        Respects KARINA
(Caritas Indonesia), Diocesan Caritases and Caritas Internationalis guiding
values and principles.
b.       Demonstrates commitment to KARINA (Caritas Indonesia)
vision, mission and values.
c.        Become familiar
with and comply with KARINA (Caritas Indonesia)’s policies and procedures.
d.       Maturity, creativity, honesty and ability to self
manage and work in a team.
e.        Able to work
under minimum supervision, but with a spirit of team work.
f.         Experiences in
areas related to the work of humanitarian matters will be seen as a distinct
g.       Physically and mentally strong, endurance in pressure.
h.       Ready to be placed in any disasters and remote areas.
i.         Hard worker, willing to work under pressure.
j.         Fluency in
written and oral English in compulsory.
k.        Strong
communication and presentation skills.
l.         Good memo
composition and editing skills. 
m.      Excellent drafting ability and communication skills,
both oral and written.
n.       Tactful, accurate and excellent analytical thinking.
o.       Excellent computer skills especially MS Office.
Applications, CVs and contact details for 3 references
should be submitted by e-mail tosdmkarina@gmail.com
 at the latest 12 February2012.

CRP Agriculture Livelihoods Coordinator ( YAYASAN JEMBATAN MASA DEPAN )


POSITION TITLE: CRP Agriculture Livelihoods Coordinator 
DIRECT SUPERVISOR: Associate Director, with frequent communication to President of Board of
This position will lead,
plan, monitor and manage JMD’s sustainable livelihoods program in Aceh
province, primarily in conjunction with Flora & Fauna International’s (FFI)
Community Ranger Training Program (CRP) component under the World Bank’s
Consolidating Peaceful Development in Aceh (CPDA) program, and in line with
JMD’s mission and vision.  The CRP
Agriculture Livelihoods Coordinator will develop relationships with local and
international donors and partners, formulating strategies and goals for JMD’s
livelihoods components.
He/she will recruit,
supervise, train and monitor field staff who are assisting communities in
remote and diverse areas of the province, providing technical guidance and
acting as liaison between community leaders, field representatives,  and JMD management staff. 
JMD’s sustainable
livelihoods component of the CRP will cover 14 mukim in6 districts in the Ulu Masen forest area (Aceh Besar, Aceh
Jaya, Aceh Barat, Pidie, Pidie Jaya and Biureun. The objective of the CRP is to improve the
socio-economic welfare of 280 at-risk youth through skills training and
sustainable employment. The project consists of assisting 14 new Community
Ranger teams (20 people per team), who are trained by FFI to conduct patrols,
human-wildlife conflict mitigation, etc.).  JMD is responsible for conducting community outreach, peer training,
technical skills training, and the development of sustainable livelihoods
sub-grant projects for each of the target areas. 
·         Supervise team of field officers, providing leadership as they work
with CR (Community Ranger) teams in the development of livelihoods) to augment
their income
·         Provide training and guidance to field staff, beneficiaries and
community members in all aspects of sustainable and conservation-based
agriculture/livestock  initiatives, development
of multi-staged work plans with accompanying budgets and monitoring and
evaluation indicators, developing relationship with key stakeholders and
district/local representatives, and community outreach/case management that
includes group facilitation and peer mentoring
·         Coordinate with local and community leaders, relevant stakeholders
(government and non-government) and FFI team members regarding the socializing
of the livelihoods project and the sub-grant scheme.
·         Oversee the production of both
CR teams reports as well as field staff reports, and be responsible for
synthesizing this information into an organized qualitative and
quantitative  summary to be submitted to
JMD management at quarterly intervals at minimum. 
·         Provide guidance and advice to FFI regarding sub-grant appropriateness
as indicated by JMD field staff, and timeline for release of appropriate
sub-grant funds
·         Represent
JMD at the program level externally and to act as the strategic relationship
holder with partners and authorities. 
·         Capture
experience and lessons learned from the project work and feed this information
back into the wider agency. 
·         Develop,
train, evaluate and manage a team of field in several locations throughout the
·         Provide
comprehensive training to staff, beneficiaries, implementing partners, and
government department representatives as required. Identify and address key
training needs of staff.
·         Manage
fiscal component of the project including budgets and funding win accordance
with JMD’s fiscal policies, including receipts, cash flow, timesheets,
maintenance of equipment, expenditures, ToRs, reports, etc. to ensure good
stewardship of all JMD resources
·         Identify
and resolve any financial issues within the project in accordance with JMD
·         Identify
and actively promote opportunities to build the capacity of beneficiaries, and
to promote the sustainability of their community initiatives/subgrants. 
·         Develop
a monitoring and evaluation strategy and monitor the impact of the project
based this strategy, using this information to support decision making and
promote learning. This will include regular reviews as appropriate. 
·         Make
recommendations to JMD management for appropriate initiatives relating to the
project such as media communications/publicity, advocacy, etc.  
·         Travel
frequently to field sites connected with management of the sustainable
livelihoods project, conducting staff training, facilitating and observing
staff/beneficiary meetings and discussions, reviewing project/subgrant planning,
monitoring project progress, etc.
·         Represent
JMD as required with representatives from FFI and other donors/strategic
partners, local/provincial representatives and agriculture department/ministry
·         Ensure
compliance of program/ projects to agreements, MOUs and regulations
This position may be
required to carry out other reasonable duties and responsibilities from time to
time in agreement with JMD management staff.
·         Ability
to integrate climate change information and disaster reduction strategies into
an agricultural and income generation program
·         An
understanding of the importance of gender and diversity in humanitarian and
development work
·         Ability
to identify and mitigate security risks and manage staff security in accordance
with organizational policy
·         Ability
to deliver work effectively within the context of an agreed program framework,
using appropriate reporting and monitoring/evaluation tools
·         Ability
to manage and monitor budgets, including complex multi-donor budgets and related
reporting requirements
·         Ability
and willingness to travel, often at short notice and to remote areas with
minimal amenities and possible hazardous weather and other natural conditions 
* University degree or equivalent in environmental science, or natural resource management
* At least 5 years’ experience in agriculture, conservation-based initiatives, natural resource management and community-based development
* Background in project management, preferably in the management of large and small-scale agricultural projects, with a focus on rural livelihood systems including markets and trade. 
* Experience in provision of technical support to sustainable livelihoods, particularly in Aceh or an area with similar context and agricultural systems. 
*  Agricultural engineering background highly desirable, with extensive experience in field-based supervision, monitoring, training and evaluation.  
* Strong supervision, training, coordination, M&E, reporting, team-building and communications skills are essential. 
*  Must be fluent in both Indonesian and English; fluency in Acehnese highly desirable.
*  Knowledge of environmental protection and conservation-based initiatives in Aceh, specifically in the area of the Ulu Masen protected forest; 
* Familiar with the principles of DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) and addressing climate change.
* Negotiation, conflict management, and networking capabilities essential
* Computer skills
This will be a management
position and proven experience at the head of a substantial project is
therefore required
The starting salary for this
position is 4,000,000-7,500,000/monthly depending upon qualifications. Additional
steps may be awarded for specific expertise.
Applications are due by
Monday, February 13, 2011.  To apply,
please send a full CV (including salary history) together with a supporting
statement, briefly
highlighting your experience
and skills against the requirements of the role, topennynewbury@gmail.com
.  Please cc Sarah Henderson, President of the
JMD Board of Directors, at sara@jmd.or.id
Due to the volume of emails
received, only finalists will be contacted.  For inquiries please emailpennynewbury@gmail.com

Livelihoods Field Specialist ( YAYASAN JEMBATAN MASA DEPAN )



POSITION TITLE: Livelihoods Field Specialist
DIRECT SUPERVISOR:This position reports to
JMD’s Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator, based in Banda Aceh.
This position is field-based
in one of four geographic areas in Aceh and will work in conjunction with Flora
& Fauna International’s (FFI) Community Ranger Training Program (CRP)
component. The JMD Livelihoods Field Specialist will assist a group of newly
trained Community Ranger teams in the development and implementation of alternative
livelihoods projects that will benefit both their families and other members of
the villages in which they live.
Jembatan Masa Depan (JMD)’s
sustainable livelihoods component of the CRP will cover 14 mukim in 6 districts
in the Ulu Masen forest area (Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Pidie, Pidie
Jaya and Biureun). The objective of the CRP is to improve the socio-economic welfare of
280 at-risk youth through skills training and sustainable employment. The
project consists of assisting 14 new community ranger teams (20 people per
team), who are trained by FFI to conduct patrols, human-wildlife conflict
mitigation, etc.). These teams are located in four geographic target areas
throughout the above-named districts.  JMD is responsible for conducting community outreach, peer training,
technical skills training, and the development of sustainable livelihoods
sub-grant projects for each of the target areas. This project will award one
livelihoods grant to each of the 14 mukim, and it is the Field Specialist’s
responsibility to assist with the identification of a suitable initiative and
the execution of a project plan and funding request.
Each Livelihood Field Specialist will be assigned to one
of four Target Areas, that contains between 2-5 mukim which are spread over 1
or 2 districts depending on their proximity to a district border.
Target Area #1:
Tungkop,Lango, Meuko, Sara Raya, Krueng Sabee (Aceh Barat and Aceh Jaya)
Target Area  #2: Lhoong, Lam Leuot (Aceh Besar)
Target Area #3: Beungga, Pulo Mesjid, Keumala Dalam (Pidie, Pidie Jaya)
Target Area #4:
Ulee Gle Tunong, Cubo, Peuduk Tunong, Bate Iliek (Pidie, Bireuen)
·         Work with CR teams and community members in one of the four target
areas to develop and implement a sustainable livelihoods initiative that
augments the income of the community rangers and their families and benefits
the mukim/community as a whole
·         Socialise the sub-grant scheme with the CR teams and representatives
from their mukim, and other relevant
stakeholder (government and non-government)
·         Assist beneficiaries to produce a list of possible sub-grant types,
with support from FFI’s Livelihood Coordinator
·         Support each CR team in choosing their own sub-grant type that is most
relevant to their area and respective skill/experience, as well as being based
on geographical and socio-economical characteristics and adhering to good
conservation practices
·         Support CR teams in developing multi-staged work plans with
accompanying budgets and monitoring and evaluation indicators
·         Provide ongoing technical support, training and mentoring to CR teams
and community members in all areas of good agricultural practices, peer
education, conservation-based agriculture/livestock initiatives, veterinary
care, organic fertilizer production, crop cultivation, etc.
·         Support CR teams in purchasing livelihood materials (e.g. livestock
and seedlings) that are required as a result of their approved project plan
·         Support CR teams in delivering livelihood training to representatives
of their mukim
·         Oversee the production of routine reports that will be developed by the CR teams themselves and submitted to
JMD’s Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator For each report, work with FFI staff
in reviewing CR team adherence to the sub-grant work plan, based on the plan’s
monitoring and evaluation indicators.
·         Prepare internal monthly reports outlining activities in the
respective target area, to be submitted to JMD’s Sustainable Agriculture
The position may be required
to carry out other reasonable duties and responsibilities from time to time in
agreement with JMD management staff.
·         Extensive
experience as an agricultural field officer or development officer
·         Good
communications and group facilitation skills; ability to translate complex
ideas into simple concepts for a wide variety of beneficiaries and program
·         Thorough
knowledge of good agricultural practices (GAP) trainings and rural development
·         Experience
in remote areas with culturally diverse populations living in hardship
·         Knowledge
of conservation-based agriculture initiatives, forest protection, disaster risk
reduction, climate change activities
·         Experience
in peer education, training of trainers, and team building
·         Good
written communication and report writing skills
·         Ability
to understand and develop budgets and provide trainings in basic
accounting/budget creation
·         Ability
and willingness to travel throughout assigned area, often at short notice and
to remote areas with minimal amenities and possible hazardous weather and other
natural conditions 
* At least 3 years’ experience in agriculture, community education, natural resource management, or community-based development
* Background the management of large and small-scale agricultural projects, with a focus on rural livelihood systems in developing countries 
* Experience in provision of technical support to sustainable livelihoods, particularly in Aceh or an area with similar context and agricultural systems 
* Excellent oral and written communications skills in Indonesian; competency in English and Acehnese highly desirable.
* Willingness to work as part of a team, with JMD, FFI representatives, and beneficiary/CR community members
* Negotiation and conflict management skills are essential
* Computer skills
The starting salary for this
position is 3,500,000-6,000,000/monthly depending upon qualifications and
Target Area assignment. 
Applications are due by
Monday, February 13, 2011.  To apply,
please send a full CV (including salary history) together with a supporting
statement, briefly highlighting your experience and skills against the
requirements of the role, topennynewbury@gmail.com
.  Please cc Sarah Henderson, President of the
JMD Board of Directors, at sara@jmd.or.id
Due to the volume of emails
received, only finalists will be contacted.  
For inquiries please emailpennynewbury@gmail.com

Program Coordinator CLC

Silahkan kirim surat lamaran dan CV anda ke bayatoffice@titianfoundation.org
Titian Foundation, sebuah yayasan nirlaba yang sekarang ini sedang melaksanakan beberapa proyek kemanusiaan di beberapa lokasi di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah program CLC (Community Learning Center) yang dipusatkan pada program pemberdayaan sumber daya perpustakaan.
Kami membutuhkan kandidat untuk program kami dengan deskripsi sebagai berikut:
Posisi : Program Coordinator for CLC (Community Learning Center)
Atasan Langsung : Program Manager
Lokasi kerja : Kabupaten Klaten
Kualifikasi :
1.    Pendidikan minimal S1 (lebih disukai dari bidang perpustakaan)
2.    Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris aktif serta mampu menyusun laporan dalam bahasa inggris.
3.    Mempunyai pengalaman kerja 2 tahun (diharapkan berpengalaman bekerja dengan NGO).
4.    Memiliki kemampuan dalam bekerja dengan komunitas.
5.    Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
6.    Memiliki kemampuan perencanaan kerja dan pelaporan kegiatan.
7.    Mampu bekerja dalam lingkungan apapun.
8.    Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas di berbagai project CLC Titian di Indonesia
Tugas dan tanggungjawab :
1.    Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengembangan beberapa program CLC di Jawa dan di luar Jawa
2.    Bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan komunikasi aktif baik melalui untuk pelaporan program
3.    Bertanggung jawab dan terlibat dalam kegiatan di perpustakaan mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan         pelaporan aktivitas.
4.    Membantu seluruh aktivitas dalam kerja team CLC.
5.    Kreatif dalam mengembangkan program secara berkelanjutan.
Jika tertarik kirimkan lamaran dan CV yang terbaru melalui email paling lambat tanggal 13 Februari 2012 ke bayatoffice@ titianfoudation.org atau melalui pos ke
Titian Foundation
Jl Raya Bayat Cawas Km 1
Bayat Klaten 57462

AIPEG: Opportunity for Social Media Trainer - Jakarta

The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG) is an
AusAID-funded project assisting Indonesia to undertake economic and
financial policy reforms. Norton Rose Australia, the Managing Contractor,
seeks applications from qualified Indonesian Social Media Trainers
(companies or individuals) for an assignment located in the Ministry of
Trade (MOT), Jakarta, Indonesia. The Assignment is for 40 days.

The MOT is currently developing its social media content and strategy. Once
finalized, the Social Media Trainer will provide targeted, hands-on
training in the use of social media. Applicants should be able to
demonstrate experience in:

- Designing and implementing social media training courses;
- Working with the Government of Indonesia;
- Working in teams to tight deadlines; and
- Communication and Public Relations.

A copy of the *Terms of Reference (TOR)* can be obtained from *
www.aipeg.or.id* or by writing to: *procurement@aipeg.or.id.*

Applicants are requested to submit a CV and covering letter addressing the
selection criteria listed above. Company applications should include the CV
of the proposed trainer.

Applicants should submit a one page document briefly explaining how the
applicants would design and deliver the social media training course for
the MOT. The successful applicant will be expected to mobilize rapidly
following negotiation of a contract.

*Applications close on 19 February 2012.*

Selection will be made in accordance with Australian Government Procurement
Guidelines. Norton Rose Australia is an equal opportunity employer. Only
shortlisted application will be contacted for interview.

Yemima V.