DBE1 adalah program pendidikan yang didanai USAID dengan tujuan pengembangan desentralisasi pendidikan yang lebih efektif. Saat ini DBE1 sedang mencari beberapa posisi untuk ditempatkan di beberapa posisi di Indonesia untuk kontrak awal 1 tahun
District Coordinator Palopo - Sulawesi Selatan
Dengan supervisi dari Koordinator Propinsi (Provincial Coordinator) posisi District Coordinator terutama bertujuan untuk melakukan komunikasi dan mempertahankan koordinasi yang baik dengan para pemangku kepentingan di kabupaten (Kantor Bupati, Bappeda, Dinas Pendidikan, Kandepag, DPRD, Dewan Pendidikan, Organisasi Masyarakat Madani dan Surat Kabar Lokal, dll). Dalam tugasnya, posisi ini juga bertanggungjawab untuk mempromosikan replikasi program dan koordinasi kegiatan di tingkat sekolah.
Persyaratan :
•pendidikan minimal S1 lebih disukai di jurusan Pendidkan atau Ilmu Sosial
•Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman
•Memiliki kapasitas untuk membangun dan mengembangkan jaringan
•Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun bekerja dengan pemerintah lokal atau dalam bidang pengembangan masyarakat
•Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman di bidang pengembangan pada tingkat sekolah dalam hal perencanaan sekolah, dan atau pengembangan kapasitas dan atau pengembangan institusi
•Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan software berikut : Microsft word, Excel dan email
•Pengalaman dalam bekerja dengan aplikasi database akan menjadi nilai tambah
•Menguasai dasar-dasar Bahasa Inggris
Assisten District Coordinator (3 posisi untuk penempatan di 3 lokasi : Indramayu, Nganjuk dan Tuban)
Dibawah supervisi langsung dari District Coordinator, Assistant District Coordinator bekerjasama dengan sekolah dalam gugus pilihan di kabupaten/kota terkait dalam pengembangan RPS dan kegiatan pelatihan. Posisi ini juga bekerjasama dengan fasilitator kabupaten/kota dalam pengumpulan data sekolah dan pelaporannya. ADC juga bertanggung jawab membantu tugas District Coordinator dalam kegiatan perencanaan (misalnya persiapan RPK, Renstra) maupun kegiatan tata kelola sekolah lainnya.
Persyaratan :
•Lebih disukai yang memiliki latar belakang ilmu pendidikan atau sosial
•Memiliki pengalaman langsung bekerja di bidang pendidikan
•Jenjang pendidikan minimal D3 dengan pengalaman minimal 5 tahun atau S1 dengan pendidikan 3 tahun
•Kemampuan untuk membentuk dan/atau memperluas jaringan kerja kabupaten/kota
•Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman dengan pemerintah daerah atau pengembangan masyarakat; dalam pembangunan pendidikan pada tingkat sekolah di bidang perencanaan sekolah, dan/atau capacity building, dan/atau peningkatan kelembagaan;
•Memahami komputer dan menguasai program: Microsoft Word, Excel dan e-mail.
•Pengalaman menggunakan aplikasi database akan sangat bermanfaat
•Memiliki kemampuan dasar bahasa Inggris
Akuntan– Banda Aceh
Sebagai bawahan Provincial Coordinator, bekerjasama secara erat dengan tim Finance & Grants di Jakarta. Posisi ini terutama bertanggngungjawab dalam tugas-tugas akuntansi dan keuangan dan memastikan prosedur dan kebijakan DBE1 maupun RTI dilaksanakan dengan benar,akurat dan tepat waktu.
•Pendidikan minimal S1
•Minimum 3 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang Akuntansi di organisasi yang sejenis
•Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman di bidang audit
•Menguasai computer, terutama MS Word, Excel
•Penguasaan aplikasi computer dalam bidang akuntansi, budgeting dan cash control akan menjadi nilai tambah
•Kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris yang baik
Administrative Assistant – Banda Aceh
Bertanggungjawab kepada Office Manager, Administrative Assistant melakukan kegiatan administratif untuk mendukung kegiatan tim DBE1. Misalnya dalam korespondensi kedalam dan keluar, menyediakan dan memelihara fasilitas kantor, serta pengaturan pertemuan internal atau travel
•Minimum D3 dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
•Keterampilan komputer Microsoft Office: MS Word, Excel, Power Point
•Kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia yang baik
•Lebih disukai yang memahami komunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris
•Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman bekerja di lingkungan multi budaya
•Manajemen waktu dan pengaturan kerja yang baik
•Mandiri, mampu berinisiatif
Peminat yang memenuhi persyaratan dapat mengirimkan data diri terbaru dan lamaran sebelum tanggal 10 Januari 2009 melalui email ke dbe1.recruitment@ gmail.com
Dec 22, 2008
Save The Children (Child-Led Disaster Risk Reduction Program Officer)
Save the Children is a leading non-profit humanitarian relief and
development organization working in more than 127 countries throughout
the world. Our mission is to create lasting, positive change in the
lives of children in need. Currently Save the Children has an immediate
need for experienced staff to be a part of our team in Jakarta.
Child-Led Disaster Risk Reduction Program Officer (CLDRR-PO)
The incumbent is responsible to provide assistance to CLDRR Program
Manager on planning, implementation and monitoring of the CLDRR project.
Coordinate and maintain relationship with partners (local, NGOs,
government and community).
* Minimal bachelor degree in social science or relevant field.
* Minimum 5 (five) years experience in related field, experience
with NGO or INGO preferred.
* Experience in implementing DRR Program is preferred.
* Strong understanding of government structures and function as
well as general operations in Indonesia.
* Ability to work in fast-paced, pressured environment.
* Detail oriented.
* Sound reasoning and decision making skills.
* Excellent communication skills.
* Strong written and verbal English and Bahasa Indonesia
* Good interpersonal skills and pleasant personality.
Updated CV and application letter should be sent to id.
recruitment@ savechildren. orrecruitment@ savechildren. or> g
please fills the 'subject' column of the e-mails in this format: code of
the position <...> - your name <...>. Closing date for application is 5
(five) days after this advertisement (Only short-listed candidates will
be notified).
Qualified Women encouraged applying
development organization working in more than 127 countries throughout
the world. Our mission is to create lasting, positive change in the
lives of children in need. Currently Save the Children has an immediate
need for experienced staff to be a part of our team in Jakarta.
Child-Led Disaster Risk Reduction Program Officer (CLDRR-PO)
The incumbent is responsible to provide assistance to CLDRR Program
Manager on planning, implementation and monitoring of the CLDRR project.
Coordinate and maintain relationship with partners (local, NGOs,
government and community).
* Minimal bachelor degree in social science or relevant field.
* Minimum 5 (five) years experience in related field, experience
with NGO or INGO preferred.
* Experience in implementing DRR Program is preferred.
* Strong understanding of government structures and function as
well as general operations in Indonesia.
* Ability to work in fast-paced, pressured environment.
* Detail oriented.
* Sound reasoning and decision making skills.
* Excellent communication skills.
* Strong written and verbal English and Bahasa Indonesia
* Good interpersonal skills and pleasant personality.
Updated CV and application letter should be sent to id.
recruitment@ savechildren. or
please fills the 'subject' column of the e-mails in this format: code of
the position <...> - your name <...>. Closing date for application is 5
(five) days after this advertisement (Only short-listed candidates will
be notified).
Qualified Women encouraged applying
Various Positions on Save the Children
Save the Children is a leading non-profit humanitarian relief and
development organization working in more than 127 countries throughout
the world. Our mission is to create lasting, positive change in the
lives of children in need. Currently Save the Children has an immediate
need for experienced staff to be a part of our team in Jakarta.
Finance Assistant (FA-J)
The incumbent is responsible for the smooth execution of the day to day
financial operations of the organization, including disbursement of
funds, ensures availability of funds for day-to-day operations
Cashier (CA-J)
The incumbent is responsible to ensure that disbursements are made on
their due dates within SCiIDN procedures and that payments are made to
the intended beneficiary.
Receptionist (RC-J)
The incumbent is responsible to support the front office function and
general services.
* Minimal bachelor degree in Finance, Accounting (FA-J, CA-J),
Senior High School (RC-J)
* Minimum 1 (one) year experience in related area.
* Microsoft Office Packages (FA-J, CA-J, RC-J).
* Demonstrated ability to work independently and as a member of a
* Good written and verbal English and Bahasa Indonesia (FA-J,
* Excellent interpersonal skills and pleasant personality.
Updated CV and application letter should be sent to
id.recruitment@ savechildren. org Please fill the 'subject' column of the
e-mails in this format: code of the position <...> - your name <...>.
Closing date for application is 5 (five) days after this advertisement
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified).
Qualified Women encouraged to apply
development organization working in more than 127 countries throughout
the world. Our mission is to create lasting, positive change in the
lives of children in need. Currently Save the Children has an immediate
need for experienced staff to be a part of our team in Jakarta.
Finance Assistant (FA-J)
The incumbent is responsible for the smooth execution of the day to day
financial operations of the organization, including disbursement of
funds, ensures availability of funds for day-to-day operations
Cashier (CA-J)
The incumbent is responsible to ensure that disbursements are made on
their due dates within SCiIDN procedures and that payments are made to
the intended beneficiary.
Receptionist (RC-J)
The incumbent is responsible to support the front office function and
general services.
* Minimal bachelor degree in Finance, Accounting (FA-J, CA-J),
Senior High School (RC-J)
* Minimum 1 (one) year experience in related area.
* Microsoft Office Packages (FA-J, CA-J, RC-J).
* Demonstrated ability to work independently and as a member of a
* Good written and verbal English and Bahasa Indonesia (FA-J,
* Excellent interpersonal skills and pleasant personality.
Updated CV and application letter should be sent to
id.recruitment@ savechildren. org Please fill the 'subject' column of the
e-mails in this format: code of the position <...> - your name <...>.
Closing date for application is 5 (five) days after this advertisement
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified).
Qualified Women encouraged to apply
Program Officers on Burnet Indonesia
Burnet Indonesia was established in 2002 by the Macfarlane Burnet
Institute for Medical Research and Public Health of Melbourne,
Australia (Burnet Institute). Burnet Indonesia aims to improve the
health and well being of vulnerable individuals and communities in
Indonesia by developing and implementing programs based on needs
identified in partnership with local organizations (NGOs, private
sector, government, and universities)
The Burnet Institute is an internationally recognized medical
research and public health agency investigating and responding to
some of today's most serious viral infections such as HIV, hepatitis
and measles. The Burnet Institute is a not for profit organization,
accredited by the Australian Agency for International Development as
a non-government organization (NGO), and an UNAIDS Collaborating
Partner. Globally, the Institute undertakes a diverse range of
activities in the field of public health and international
development with other international agencies, government agencies,
and NGOs.
We are currently seeking two Health Program Officers to be based in
either in Bali or Jakarta:
The Program Officers will be responsible for the day-to-day
management of activities within specific programs, ensuring that the
program is well run, and of a high quality reflecting international
best practice. This will include:
1. With support from the Country Representative and Program
Manager, undertake strategic planning to ensure that Burnet
Indonesia’s program remains in line with Burnet Institute’s overall
ethos and direction
2. Develop strategic alliances and relationships with government
bodies, national and local partners to enable the effective
implementation of Burnet’s program
3. Oversee some of Burnet Indonesia’s program initiatives to
ensure high quality and timely delivery on all contractual and
programmatic obligations.
4. Build the capacity of local organizations through training,
mentoring and support
5. Facilitate and co-facilitate training activities
6. Proactively participate in the identification and acquisition
of new program initiatives and support.
Essential criteria:
- Post-graduate qualifications and 3 years relevant experience
or Bachelors degree and 5 years relevant work experience
- One position will require experience in HIV prevention, care
and support programs and/or drug use issues
- Experience of managing health program activities
- Proven and demonstrable training and facilitations skills
- Familiarity and competence in utilising participatory and
skills-building training methodologies
- Excellent skills in written and spoken English and the
capacity to communicate often complex and sensitive issues to a wide
- Strong report writing skills
- Ability to meet critical deadline
- Proven problem-solving and negotiation skills
- Willing to spend a significant amount of time in the field
Applicants should send a covering letter along with updated
curriculum vitae to: ferny@burnetindonesia.org. Please quote the
following reference: PO-Health
The closing deadline is 4th January 2009
Please note only electronic applications will be accepted and only
short listed candidates will be contacted.
Institute for Medical Research and Public Health of Melbourne,
Australia (Burnet Institute). Burnet Indonesia aims to improve the
health and well being of vulnerable individuals and communities in
Indonesia by developing and implementing programs based on needs
identified in partnership with local organizations (NGOs, private
sector, government, and universities)
The Burnet Institute is an internationally recognized medical
research and public health agency investigating and responding to
some of today's most serious viral infections such as HIV, hepatitis
and measles. The Burnet Institute is a not for profit organization,
accredited by the Australian Agency for International Development as
a non-government organization (NGO), and an UNAIDS Collaborating
Partner. Globally, the Institute undertakes a diverse range of
activities in the field of public health and international
development with other international agencies, government agencies,
and NGOs.
We are currently seeking two Health Program Officers to be based in
either in Bali or Jakarta:
The Program Officers will be responsible for the day-to-day
management of activities within specific programs, ensuring that the
program is well run, and of a high quality reflecting international
best practice. This will include:
1. With support from the Country Representative and Program
Manager, undertake strategic planning to ensure that Burnet
Indonesia’s program remains in line with Burnet Institute’s overall
ethos and direction
2. Develop strategic alliances and relationships with government
bodies, national and local partners to enable the effective
implementation of Burnet’s program
3. Oversee some of Burnet Indonesia’s program initiatives to
ensure high quality and timely delivery on all contractual and
programmatic obligations.
4. Build the capacity of local organizations through training,
mentoring and support
5. Facilitate and co-facilitate training activities
6. Proactively participate in the identification and acquisition
of new program initiatives and support.
Essential criteria:
- Post-graduate qualifications and 3 years relevant experience
or Bachelors degree and 5 years relevant work experience
- One position will require experience in HIV prevention, care
and support programs and/or drug use issues
- Experience of managing health program activities
- Proven and demonstrable training and facilitations skills
- Familiarity and competence in utilising participatory and
skills-building training methodologies
- Excellent skills in written and spoken English and the
capacity to communicate often complex and sensitive issues to a wide
- Strong report writing skills
- Ability to meet critical deadline
- Proven problem-solving and negotiation skills
- Willing to spend a significant amount of time in the field
Applicants should send a covering letter along with updated
curriculum vitae to: ferny@burnetindonesia.org. Please quote the
following reference: PO-Health
The closing deadline is 4th January 2009
Please note only electronic applications will be accepted and only
short listed candidates will be contacted.
South East Asia Regional Finance Officer on German Red Cross (GRC)
German Red Cross (GRC) is currently looking for a qualified and committed candidate to fill the following position on a fixed term contract basis :
1. South East Asia Regional Finance Officer
Location : Based in Jakarta, Indonesia
Start Date : immediately
This Senior Finance officer will work closely with the GRC Finance regional Delegate and the GRC Heads of the Country Offices conducting the following tasks:
Supervising projects budgets or cash request using GRC formats
Verifying and submitting financial reports including country cash
requests, bank reconciliations, bank journal, cash counts,
advance books, summaries of financial activities
Verifying all accountancies according to standards and specific
donors requirements
Preparing, controlling and coordinating regular financial monthly
documentation to GRC HQ in Berlin / Germany
Reporting on financial risks concerning project activities and
our environment to GRC senior country management
provide regular technical and financial support to National Red
Crosses partners
Training and supervising GRC finance staff in projects location
Active participation in GRC senior country management team and
support GRC strategic planning in South East Asia
Close cooperation with finance managers of national societies and
Support management of regional GRC finance activities in South-
Eastern Asia
Requirements :
- D3 / S1 degree
- Professional accounting and economic background as well as
practical experiences in finance/accounting of a minimum 2 years
- Have min. 2-3 years experience in non governmental organizations
- Ready to spend time in field mission by supporting projects in
Viet Nam, Philippines, Cambodia or Laos.
- Excellent communication in English (oral & written)
- Proven skills in computer use (Excel, Word & Accounting Software)
- Proven leadership and management experiences are essential
- Candidates with Red Cross Movement background and references are preferred.
Please send your complete application within 14 days after the publication of this advertisement to: job@grc-indo. org using the title ‘Regional Finance Officer’. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
1. South East Asia Regional Finance Officer
Location : Based in Jakarta, Indonesia
Start Date : immediately
This Senior Finance officer will work closely with the GRC Finance regional Delegate and the GRC Heads of the Country Offices conducting the following tasks:
Supervising projects budgets or cash request using GRC formats
Verifying and submitting financial reports including country cash
requests, bank reconciliations, bank journal, cash counts,
advance books, summaries of financial activities
Verifying all accountancies according to standards and specific
donors requirements
Preparing, controlling and coordinating regular financial monthly
documentation to GRC HQ in Berlin / Germany
Reporting on financial risks concerning project activities and
our environment to GRC senior country management
provide regular technical and financial support to National Red
Crosses partners
Training and supervising GRC finance staff in projects location
Active participation in GRC senior country management team and
support GRC strategic planning in South East Asia
Close cooperation with finance managers of national societies and
Support management of regional GRC finance activities in South-
Eastern Asia
Requirements :
- D3 / S1 degree
- Professional accounting and economic background as well as
practical experiences in finance/accounting of a minimum 2 years
- Have min. 2-3 years experience in non governmental organizations
- Ready to spend time in field mission by supporting projects in
Viet Nam, Philippines, Cambodia or Laos.
- Excellent communication in English (oral & written)
- Proven skills in computer use (Excel, Word & Accounting Software)
- Proven leadership and management experiences are essential
- Candidates with Red Cross Movement background and references are preferred.
Please send your complete application within 14 days after the publication of this advertisement to: job@grc-indo. org using the title ‘Regional Finance Officer’. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
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