International Republican Institute (IRI) is a non-profit organization based in
the United States that is dedicated to the advancement of democracy worldwide.
Since 1998, IRI has conducted a variety of programs in Indonesia to promote and
strengthen the development of democracy through the strengthening of political
parties, civil society, and other institutions that support the engagement of
an active citizenry. Programs have included: local governance, women in
politics, political party development, political party reform and
democratization, political polling and focus groups, and political
communication. The purpose of this request is to solicit proposals for the
development and implementation of a Communication Forum in the Province of East
Nusa Tenggara whose goal will be to bridge intensive communication between political party and their faction
with many different stakeholders by
which political party/factions will identify issues that concern their
constituents and also draft position
paper reflecting their party platform to address the social issues raised by
the CSOs and submit their public recommendation to the parliament legislation
Utilizing funding provided by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), IRI is seeking to partner with a civil service
organization to design and implement a communication Forum that will help
political party/parliament identify their constituents’ issue of concern and address
them with their position paper reflecting their party platform in political talkshow both in Local Radio and
TVs. Further, the implementing partner will work with the political party/MPs
to arrange the public events both
as a means to identify the issues that concern the public
and to help them drafting their position
paper to address the issues as well as to deliver their party platform.
This communication forum should work
in synergic manner with the already ongoing program of Taskforce program for
Public service.
While the taskforce membership are
from the Party leadership non parliament members, this communication forum will ideally consist of members of parliament
Legislation Committee and the CSOs. This
Work on the project much begin in April, 2012.
The success of this program will be
measured by the number of proper position paper
prepared by the party/faction who are involved in this program and the quality of the
political dialogue both by Local Radio and Local TV.
are due no later than 16:00 on Wednesday March 17, 2012. All proposals
should include program summary, previous experience in conducting similar
projects, a detailed budget, and list any potential professional or political
conflicts that may keep the organization from being able to complete this
project in a timely unbiased manner. Included with the submission should be one
copy in Bahasa Indonesian and one copy in English. Proposals that exceed a
total USD amount of $9,500.00 will not be considered. This Request for
Proposals represents work to be completed during the third calendar year (2012)
of a three year project.
submissions, questions and comments regarding this request should be directed
Mar 8, 2012
Request for Proposal:“Gugus Tugas Pelayanan Publik Provinsi Aceh”
Penawaran Proposal
“Gugus Tugas Pelayanan Publik Provinsi
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam”
Tentang Kami:
The International Republican Institute (IRI) adalah organisasi nirlaba
yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat dan bekerja untuk pengembangan demokrasi di
seluruh dunia. Sejak 1998, IRI sudah melaksanakan berbagai program di Indonesia
untuk mendorong dan memperkuat pengembangan demokrasi melalui penguatan Partai
Politik, Masyarakat Madani, maupun institusi-institusi lain yang mendukung
partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam demokratisasi.
Program-program yang telah dilaksanakan IRI selama ini antara lain
berkaitan dengan Pemerintahan Lokal, Perempuan dalam Politik, Pengembangan
partai Politik, Demokratisasi dan Reformasi Partai Politik, Polling Politik dan
Kelompok Diskusi, serta Komunikasi Politik.
Untuk program IRI selanjutnya, melalui RFP ini IRI akan mengumpulkan
dan menseleksi proposal-proposal pengembangan dan implementasi dari Gugus Tugas
Privat/Publik yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi area spesifik dari
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi
berupa solusi legislasi yang memungkinkan kepada DPRD.
Ringkasan Program:
Dengan dukungan United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
IRI membuka kesempatan untuk bekerjasama dengan organisasi Masyarakat Madani yang
peduli pada pelayanan publik untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan gugus
tugas sektor Privat dan Publik yang akan mengidentifikasi isu-isu penting dalam
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik di Provinsi
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Bersama IRI, selanjutnya Organisasi rekan akan bekerja
sama dengan peserta gugus tugas untuk mengembangkan rekomendasi legislatif yang
akan disampaikan kepada DPRD Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Organisasi rekanan bertanggung jawab merekomendasikan anggota gugus
tugas baik sektor privat maupun sektor publik, membantu gugus tugas
mengembangkan prosedur dengan daya operasional yang efektif, meng-koordinasi
pertemuan bulanan, memastikan kelanjutan fungsi efektif dari gugus tugas,
membuat dan menyerahkan laporan pelaksanaan jangka menengah dan laporan final termasuk
berbagai keperluan administratif serta tanggung jawab terkait perencanaan.
Pelaksanaan mulai Maret 2012.
Penyerahan Proposal:
Proposal selambat-lambatnya diterima pihak IRI pada pukul 16:00
Hari Kamis 18 Maret 2012.
Seluruh proposal harus mencantumkan ringkasan program, pengalaman dalam
pengerjaan program serupa, detil anggaran, dan nama-nama peserta program yang
mewakili ragam kaum professional maupun kepentingan politik untuk menghindari
bias dan tidak partisan.
Proposal dikirimkan dalam dua versi, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa
Inggris. RFP ini mencakup pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan pada kalender tahun
ketiga (2012) dari program selama 3 tahun. Anggaran Proposal tidak boleh
melebihi US$ 9,500.00.
Kontak Kami:
Seluruh proposal, termasuk pertanyaan dan komentar yang berkaitan harap
dikirimkan dengan email ke alamat:
“Gugus Tugas Pelayanan Publik Provinsi
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam”
Tentang Kami:
The International Republican Institute (IRI) adalah organisasi nirlaba
yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat dan bekerja untuk pengembangan demokrasi di
seluruh dunia. Sejak 1998, IRI sudah melaksanakan berbagai program di Indonesia
untuk mendorong dan memperkuat pengembangan demokrasi melalui penguatan Partai
Politik, Masyarakat Madani, maupun institusi-institusi lain yang mendukung
partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam demokratisasi.
Program-program yang telah dilaksanakan IRI selama ini antara lain
berkaitan dengan Pemerintahan Lokal, Perempuan dalam Politik, Pengembangan
partai Politik, Demokratisasi dan Reformasi Partai Politik, Polling Politik dan
Kelompok Diskusi, serta Komunikasi Politik.
Untuk program IRI selanjutnya, melalui RFP ini IRI akan mengumpulkan
dan menseleksi proposal-proposal pengembangan dan implementasi dari Gugus Tugas
Privat/Publik yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi area spesifik dari
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi
berupa solusi legislasi yang memungkinkan kepada DPRD.
Ringkasan Program:
Dengan dukungan United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
IRI membuka kesempatan untuk bekerjasama dengan organisasi Masyarakat Madani yang
peduli pada pelayanan publik untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan gugus
tugas sektor Privat dan Publik yang akan mengidentifikasi isu-isu penting dalam
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik di Provinsi
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Bersama IRI, selanjutnya Organisasi rekan akan bekerja
sama dengan peserta gugus tugas untuk mengembangkan rekomendasi legislatif yang
akan disampaikan kepada DPRD Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Organisasi rekanan bertanggung jawab merekomendasikan anggota gugus
tugas baik sektor privat maupun sektor publik, membantu gugus tugas
mengembangkan prosedur dengan daya operasional yang efektif, meng-koordinasi
pertemuan bulanan, memastikan kelanjutan fungsi efektif dari gugus tugas,
membuat dan menyerahkan laporan pelaksanaan jangka menengah dan laporan final termasuk
berbagai keperluan administratif serta tanggung jawab terkait perencanaan.
Pelaksanaan mulai Maret 2012.
Penyerahan Proposal:
Proposal selambat-lambatnya diterima pihak IRI pada pukul 16:00
Hari Kamis 18 Maret 2012.
Seluruh proposal harus mencantumkan ringkasan program, pengalaman dalam
pengerjaan program serupa, detil anggaran, dan nama-nama peserta program yang
mewakili ragam kaum professional maupun kepentingan politik untuk menghindari
bias dan tidak partisan.
Proposal dikirimkan dalam dua versi, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa
Inggris. RFP ini mencakup pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan pada kalender tahun
ketiga (2012) dari program selama 3 tahun. Anggaran Proposal tidak boleh
melebihi US$ 9,500.00.
Kontak Kami:
Seluruh proposal, termasuk pertanyaan dan komentar yang berkaitan harap
dikirimkan dengan email ke alamat:
Request for Proposal:“Gugus Tugas Pelayanan Publik Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan”
Penawaran Proposal
“Gugus Tugas Pelayanan Publik Provinsi
Sulawesi Selatan”
Tentang Kami:
The International Republican Institute (IRI) adalah organisasi nirlaba
yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat dan bekerja untuk pengembangan demokrasi di
seluruh dunia. Sejak 1998, IRI sudah melaksanakan berbagai program di Indonesia
untuk mendorong dan memperkuat pengembangan demokrasi melalui penguatan Partai
Politik, Masyarakat Madani, maupun institusi-institusi lain yang mendukung partisipasi
aktif masyarakat dalam demokratisasi.
Program-program yang telah dilaksanakan IRI selama ini antara lain
berkaitan dengan Pemerintahan Lokal, Perempuan dalam Politik, Pengembangan
partai Politik, Demokratisasi dan Reformasi Partai Politik, Polling Politik dan
Kelompok Diskusi, serta Komunikasi Politik.
Untuk program IRI selanjutnya, melalui RFP ini IRI akan mengumpulkan
dan menseleksi proposal-proposal pengembangan dan implementasi dari Gugus Tugas
Privat/Publik yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi area spesifik dari
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi
berupa solusi legislasi yang memungkinkan kepada DPRD.
Ringkasan Program:
Dengan dukungan United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), IRI membuka kesempatan untuk bekerjasama dengan organisasi Masyarakat Madani yang
peduli pada pelayanan publik untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan gugus
tugas sektor Privat dan Publik yang akan mengidentifikasi isu-isu penting dalam
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik di Provinsi
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Bersama IRI, selanjutnya Organisasi rekan akan bekerja
sama dengan peserta gugus tugas untuk mengembangkan rekomendasi legislatif yang
akan disampaikan kepada DPRD Sulawesi Selatan.
Organisasi rekanan bertanggung jawab merekomendasikan anggota gugus
tugas baik sektor privat maupun sektor publik, membantu gugus tugas
mengembangkan prosedur dengan daya operasional yang efektif, meng-koordinasi
pertemuan bulanan, memastikan kelanjutan fungsi efektif dari gugus tugas,
membuat dan menyerahkan laporan pelaksanaan jangka menengah dan laporan final termasuk
berbagai keperluan administratif serta tanggung jawab terkait perencanaan.
Pelaksanaan mulai Maret 2012.
Penyerahan Proposal:
Proposal selambat-lambatnya diterima pihak IRI pada pukul 16:00
Hari Kamis 18 Maret 2012.
Seluruh proposal harus mencantumkan ringkasan program, pengalaman dalam
pengerjaan program serupa, detil anggaran, dan nama-nama peserta program yang
mewakili ragam kaum professional maupun kepentingan politik untuk menghindari
bias dan tidak partisan.
Proposal dikirimkan dalam dua versi, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa
Inggris. RFP ini mencakup pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan pada kalender tahun
ketiga (2012) dari program selama 3 tahun. Anggaran Proposal tidak boleh
melebihi US$ 9,500.00.
Kontak Kami:
Seluruh proposal, termasuk pertanyaan dan komentar yang berkaitan harap
dikirimkan dengan email ke alamat:
“Gugus Tugas Pelayanan Publik Provinsi
Sulawesi Selatan”
Tentang Kami:
The International Republican Institute (IRI) adalah organisasi nirlaba
yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat dan bekerja untuk pengembangan demokrasi di
seluruh dunia. Sejak 1998, IRI sudah melaksanakan berbagai program di Indonesia
untuk mendorong dan memperkuat pengembangan demokrasi melalui penguatan Partai
Politik, Masyarakat Madani, maupun institusi-institusi lain yang mendukung partisipasi
aktif masyarakat dalam demokratisasi.
Program-program yang telah dilaksanakan IRI selama ini antara lain
berkaitan dengan Pemerintahan Lokal, Perempuan dalam Politik, Pengembangan
partai Politik, Demokratisasi dan Reformasi Partai Politik, Polling Politik dan
Kelompok Diskusi, serta Komunikasi Politik.
Untuk program IRI selanjutnya, melalui RFP ini IRI akan mengumpulkan
dan menseleksi proposal-proposal pengembangan dan implementasi dari Gugus Tugas
Privat/Publik yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi area spesifik dari
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan rekomendasi
berupa solusi legislasi yang memungkinkan kepada DPRD.
Ringkasan Program:
Dengan dukungan United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), IRI membuka kesempatan untuk bekerjasama dengan organisasi Masyarakat Madani yang
peduli pada pelayanan publik untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan gugus
tugas sektor Privat dan Publik yang akan mengidentifikasi isu-isu penting dalam
pelaksanaan pelayanan publik di Provinsi
Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Bersama IRI, selanjutnya Organisasi rekan akan bekerja
sama dengan peserta gugus tugas untuk mengembangkan rekomendasi legislatif yang
akan disampaikan kepada DPRD Sulawesi Selatan.
Organisasi rekanan bertanggung jawab merekomendasikan anggota gugus
tugas baik sektor privat maupun sektor publik, membantu gugus tugas
mengembangkan prosedur dengan daya operasional yang efektif, meng-koordinasi
pertemuan bulanan, memastikan kelanjutan fungsi efektif dari gugus tugas,
membuat dan menyerahkan laporan pelaksanaan jangka menengah dan laporan final termasuk
berbagai keperluan administratif serta tanggung jawab terkait perencanaan.
Pelaksanaan mulai Maret 2012.
Penyerahan Proposal:
Proposal selambat-lambatnya diterima pihak IRI pada pukul 16:00
Hari Kamis 18 Maret 2012.
Seluruh proposal harus mencantumkan ringkasan program, pengalaman dalam
pengerjaan program serupa, detil anggaran, dan nama-nama peserta program yang
mewakili ragam kaum professional maupun kepentingan politik untuk menghindari
bias dan tidak partisan.
Proposal dikirimkan dalam dua versi, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa
Inggris. RFP ini mencakup pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan pada kalender tahun
ketiga (2012) dari program selama 3 tahun. Anggaran Proposal tidak boleh
melebihi US$ 9,500.00.
Kontak Kami:
Seluruh proposal, termasuk pertanyaan dan komentar yang berkaitan harap
dikirimkan dengan email ke alamat:
Mar 5, 2012
Freelancer/Part Timer Vacancies
The Indonesia Australia Forest
Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) is a partnership between the Government of the
Republic Indonesia and the Government of Australia to assist Indonesia in
reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). We are
looking for freelance/part timer. The selected individuals/institutions
will work with the project in Jakarta, Central Kalimantan and possibly
1. Attend all mandatory training, workshop,
meeting, and socialization sessions and ensure notes are clear and identify the
key points and information relevant to the participants i.e. Identify suitable,
to-the-point questions targeted to the speakers, in case no questions come from
the audience.
2. To check format of notes with Chairman /
Procurement Manager after first note-taking session and agree format / quality
required i.e. Are familiar with the speakers / Facilitator, their bio data and
their names, meet before the session to define the plan or strategy they will
use to run the session, ensuring an interesting exchange of information with
the active participation of the audience.
3. To review notes at the end of each event
and ensure they are in a suitable accessible format for the Participant,
ü Status of
the key issues and objectives, recommendation and action plan, and a summary of
regional main specificities and characteristics.
ü Take (and
type up) notes of key Statements and Recommendations.
4. Ensure confidentiality of IAFCP
5. Adhere to guidelines provided .
and experience
1. Active listening skills to take thorough
notes of the events.
2. Good note taking skills, following a
logical format as requested.
3. Proficient typist, adequate spelling and
writing skill.
4. Understanding of Climate Change/ REDD+
information will be advantage.
1. Determine the purpose of database.
2. Compile and organize the information
3. Specify primary variables and ensure these
are incorporated into databases and that there is appropriate coding for
linking variables/table relations to generate queries etc. (especially for
4. Set up forms, templates and tables so that
reports can be easily generated.
5. Refine the design of the database as
6. Maintain the database and troubleshoot
problems as required.
and experience
1. Demonstrated experience in designing large
and small Access, SPSS, excel, Arcview, NVIVO databases.
2. Relevant formal qualifications in information
management and database design desirable.
3. Proven design skills – including user
friendly layouts, image retouching and composing, as well as vector graphics
and illustration.
4. Strong technical skills.
5. Exceptional organizational skills, ability
to manage multiple projects simultaneously and work to tight deadlines.
6. High level of creativity and ability to
quickly understand complex systems and concepts, as well as an ability to
provide out-of-the-box design ideas and solutions.
1. Provide mid-level (and in some cases high
level) expertise to perform data extractions to support product development,
project analysis plans, project specifications, and sub-contractor
2. Develop analysis plans, data
specifications and work with developers on effective ways to implement desired
3. Conduct data investigation analysis and
implement changes based on results.
4. Gather data requirements and define data
elements by conducting effective meetings and interviews;
5. Use appropriate tools and resources to
evaluate and define data quality and processes; and
6. Support the development of new programs
and methodologies by collecting, analysing and managing data quality and
and experience
1. Proven experience in data analysis
(access, SPSS, excel, Arcview and NVIVO skills are all needed)
2. Some university in the relevant
statistical or data analysis field (For high level analysis of statistical data
this must include at least a university degree involving statistical training,
and at least 5 years of experience)
3. Skills in critical thinking, questioning
and listening skills, and attention to detail.
1. Input relevant data into a database as
2. Maintain the database.
3. Analyse the data as required.
4. Participate and contribute to relevant
meetings and workshops.
5. Deliver relevant data for the project
and experience
1. Familiarity with the following software:
Access, SPSS, Excel, Arcview, NVIVO, SIATA.
2. Diploma 3.
3. Minimum 1 year experience in the same
Your CV
outlining your relevant qualifications, work experience, and fee rates should
be emailed to
, no later than 9 March 2012. Please
specify the position/s you are interested for in your e-mail.
Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) is a partnership between the Government of the
Republic Indonesia and the Government of Australia to assist Indonesia in
reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). We are
looking for freelance/part timer. The selected individuals/institutions
will work with the project in Jakarta, Central Kalimantan and possibly
1. Attend all mandatory training, workshop,
meeting, and socialization sessions and ensure notes are clear and identify the
key points and information relevant to the participants i.e. Identify suitable,
to-the-point questions targeted to the speakers, in case no questions come from
the audience.
2. To check format of notes with Chairman /
Procurement Manager after first note-taking session and agree format / quality
required i.e. Are familiar with the speakers / Facilitator, their bio data and
their names, meet before the session to define the plan or strategy they will
use to run the session, ensuring an interesting exchange of information with
the active participation of the audience.
3. To review notes at the end of each event
and ensure they are in a suitable accessible format for the Participant,
ü Status of
the key issues and objectives, recommendation and action plan, and a summary of
regional main specificities and characteristics.
ü Take (and
type up) notes of key Statements and Recommendations.
4. Ensure confidentiality of IAFCP
5. Adhere to guidelines provided .
and experience
1. Active listening skills to take thorough
notes of the events.
2. Good note taking skills, following a
logical format as requested.
3. Proficient typist, adequate spelling and
writing skill.
4. Understanding of Climate Change/ REDD+
information will be advantage.
1. Determine the purpose of database.
2. Compile and organize the information
3. Specify primary variables and ensure these
are incorporated into databases and that there is appropriate coding for
linking variables/table relations to generate queries etc. (especially for
4. Set up forms, templates and tables so that
reports can be easily generated.
5. Refine the design of the database as
6. Maintain the database and troubleshoot
problems as required.
and experience
1. Demonstrated experience in designing large
and small Access, SPSS, excel, Arcview, NVIVO databases.
2. Relevant formal qualifications in information
management and database design desirable.
3. Proven design skills – including user
friendly layouts, image retouching and composing, as well as vector graphics
and illustration.
4. Strong technical skills.
5. Exceptional organizational skills, ability
to manage multiple projects simultaneously and work to tight deadlines.
6. High level of creativity and ability to
quickly understand complex systems and concepts, as well as an ability to
provide out-of-the-box design ideas and solutions.
1. Provide mid-level (and in some cases high
level) expertise to perform data extractions to support product development,
project analysis plans, project specifications, and sub-contractor
2. Develop analysis plans, data
specifications and work with developers on effective ways to implement desired
3. Conduct data investigation analysis and
implement changes based on results.
4. Gather data requirements and define data
elements by conducting effective meetings and interviews;
5. Use appropriate tools and resources to
evaluate and define data quality and processes; and
6. Support the development of new programs
and methodologies by collecting, analysing and managing data quality and
and experience
1. Proven experience in data analysis
(access, SPSS, excel, Arcview and NVIVO skills are all needed)
2. Some university in the relevant
statistical or data analysis field (For high level analysis of statistical data
this must include at least a university degree involving statistical training,
and at least 5 years of experience)
3. Skills in critical thinking, questioning
and listening skills, and attention to detail.
1. Input relevant data into a database as
2. Maintain the database.
3. Analyse the data as required.
4. Participate and contribute to relevant
meetings and workshops.
5. Deliver relevant data for the project
and experience
1. Familiarity with the following software:
Access, SPSS, Excel, Arcview, NVIVO, SIATA.
2. Diploma 3.
3. Minimum 1 year experience in the same
Your CV
outlining your relevant qualifications, work experience, and fee rates should
be emailed to
, no later than 9 March 2012. Please
specify the position/s you are interested for in your e-mail.
Mar 4, 2012
Konsultan untuk Identifikasi dan Scanning Mitra Potensial ECCD Plan Indonesia
Plan Indonesia adalah organisasi internasional pengembangan masyarakat dan kemanusiaan yang berpusat pada anak, tidak berafiliasi dengan pemerintahan, sistem politik ataupun agama tertentu. Program sponsorship anak merupakan dasar organisasi ini. Plan mengawali kegiatannya di Indonesia sejak tahun 1969. Saat ini Plan bekerja di 4 provinsi, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur dan mensponsori lebih dari 50.000 anak. Salah satu Program Plan Indonesia adalah Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) atau Program Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini. Pendekatan yang dipakai dalam setiap program Plan, termasuk Program Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini adalah Pendekatan Pengembangan Masyarakat yang Berpusat pada Anak (Child Centered Community Development/CCCD) dimana salah satu prinsipnya adalahmemperkuat kemitraan (partnership) dengan mitra-mitra yang potensial, berkualitas dan profesional.
Plan Indonesia telah menjalankan program untuk anak usia dini sejak sekitar 10 tahun terakhir. Dalam program tersebut, Plan fokus pada penguatan pelayanan untuk anak usia dini berbasis masyarakat, dengan Posyandu sebagai entry point. Pada saat yang bersamaan, program Plan juga berupaya meningkatkan kapasitas pemangku kebijakan lintas sektor dalam meningkatkan cakupan layanan serta kualitas layanan yang diberikan untuk anak usia dini. Didalamnya termasuk pelayanan kesehatan, gizi, pendidikan dan termasuk juga inklusi (anak berkebutuhan khusus)
Saat ini Plan Indonesia sedang mengembangkan disain program ECCD yang baru untuk periode FY13-FY17, yang akan menyasar rentang usia 0-8 tahun. Program ECCD ini akan terdiri dari:
1. Intervensi kesehatan ibu dan bayi baru lahir
2. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan orangtua/pengasuh dalam pengasuhan anak usia dini, melalui kelas-kelas keorangtuaan
3. Peningkatan cakupan dan kualitas layanan Pos PAUD (Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini), dengan penekanan juga pada anak dengan disabilitas
4. Intervensi berbasis sekolah maupun masyarakat, untuk membantu anak mengatasi tantangan yang dihadapi di tahun-tahun pertama di Sekolah Dasar (kelas 1-3 SD), juga dengan penekanan untuk membantu anak-anak dengan disabilitas dan kesulitan belajar
Salah satu strategi yang digunakan untuk menunjang program ini, Plan akan menjalin kerjasama kemitraan dengan organisasi atau lembaga baik lokal maupun internasional dalam keempat komponen program. Kemitraanyang pahami oleh Plan Indonesia adalah sebuah hubungan yang setara diantara dua atau lebih lembaga/institusi yang saling mendukung dalam kerangka mencapai tujuan bersama yang akan ditetapkan didalam setiap program.
Menyikapi kebutuhan diatas, serta merujuk pada panduaan kemitraan strategis Plan Indonesia, saat ini Plan bermaksud mencari konsultan (individu/lembaga) yang berpengalaman untuk melakukan identifikasi, scanning serta analisa terhadap organisasi atau lembaga baik tingkat nasional maupun daerah diseluruh Indonesia yang memiliki pengalaman dalam implementasi program terkait anak usia dini, yang dapat dijadikan mitra strategis bagi Plan Indonesia dalam implementasi program ECCD ke depan. Kebutuhan durasi kerja akan konsultan ini adalah untuk periode 1.5 (satu) bulan kerja.
Adapun tujuan dari seluruh proses identifikasi dan scanning ini adalah:
1. Mengidentifikasi organisasi atau lembaga yang memiliki pengalaman dan spesialisasi dalam implementasi program terkait anak usia dini, baik di sektor kesehatan (termasuk kesehatan ibu) dan gizi, pendidikan untuk anak usia dini dan sekolah dasar dan inklusi (anak dengan kebutuhan khsusus).
2. Mengidentifikasi sistem administrasi dan finansial organisasi atau lembaga yang memiliki pengalaman dalam implementasi program berkaitan dengan anak usia dini.
3. Memberikan rekomendasi daftar mitra yang paling potensial dan ideal untuk ditindak lanjuti oleh Plan Indonesia.
4. Memberikan masukan mengenai model kemitraan yang ideal dalam konteks program Anak Usia Dini.
Dalam melakukan proses identifikasi dan scaning mitra-mitra yang dimaksud diatas, konsultan dapat melakukan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut:
Tahap Pertama:Background Research and Desk Survey
1. Konsultan dapat melakukan secondary research melalui studi dokumen yang berisi profil lembaga yang sudah pernah bekerjasama dengan Plan Indonesia dalam konteks program untuk anak usia dini, laporan-laporan baik dari lembaga lembaga mitra Plan Indonesia maupun dari pemerintah serta instansi terkait, dari badan-badan PBB, serta dari lembaga internasional lainnya untuk mengidentifikasi organisasi/lembaga yang punya pengalaman implementasi program anak usia dini.
2. Dalam tahap pertama ini, Konsultan diharapkan bisa mendapatkan informasi detil tentang organisasi/lembaga, cakupan wilayah/lokasi intervensi dan jenis intervensi masing-masing organisasi/lembaga pada saat melakukan program untuk anak usia dini.
Tahap Kedua: Targeted Primary Research
Berdasarkan hasil tahap pertama, konsultan dapat melakukan riset untuk memilah organisasi dengan jenis intervensi yang sama dengan Plan kedalam 2 (dua) zona wilayah kerja sebagai berikut:
· Zona I : Meliputi provinsi Banten, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DIY, Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.
· Zona II : Meliputi provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Utara, Gorontalo, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Papua dan Papua Barat.
Tahap Ketiga:Recommendation Development
Konsultan akan menyusun laporan dalam bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan keluaran aktifitas termasuk usulan framework kemitraan yang ideal dalam konteks program untuk anak usia dini kepada Plan.
Hasil akhir yang diharapkan dari Konsultan terpilih adalah:
1. Data base yang berisi daftar nama organisasi atau lembaga yang memiliki pengalaman dalam implementasi program untuk anak usia dini di Indonesia, termasuk fokus bidang intervensinya uraian lengkap kontak person dan jangkauan lokasi/wilayah kerja dalam format excel
2. Short listed organisasi/lembaga minimal 15 lembaga yang memiliki jenis intervensi yang sama dengan Plan dan memiliki potensi untuk bermitra dengan Plan yang dilengkapi dengan data pendukung
3. profile organisasi/lembaga dan kapasitas organisasi.
4. Usulan framework kemitraan yang ideal dalam program untuk anak usia dini, sesai dengan komponen program ECCD Plan Indonesia.
5. Alat pengkajian dan metodologi penilaian kapasitas organisasi (organizational capacity assessment tools) yang digunakan yang didalamnya mencakup pengkajian untuk kompetensi organisasi, administrasi dan finansial, manajemen organisasi (organizational development) dan reputasi organisasi (track record).
Aktifitas Waktu
Rekruitmen Konsultan 1-12 Maret 2012
Seleksi Administrasi kandidat 15-19 Maret 2012
Pengumuman kepada kandidat yang terpilih 20-21 Maret 2012
Penandatangan Kontrak Kerjasama 22-24 Maret 2012
Start up workshop 25 Maret 2012
Proses Identifikasi dan Scanning organisasi 26 Maret – 16 Mei 2012
Penyerahan draft laporan 17-21 Mei 2012
Penyerahan laporan akhir 25 Mei 2012
Penyelesaian kontrak 29 Mei 2012
· Memiliki pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang lebih tentang program terkait anak usia dini, meliputi sektor kesehatan-gizi, pendidikan dan perlindungan
· Memiliki skill dan pengetahuan tentang Manajemen Data.
· Memiliki pengalaman dalam desain dan analisa program.
· Memiliki skill yang lebih dalam berbahasa Inggris terutama dalam penulisan.
Bagi Konsultan (Individu atau Lembaga) yang tertarik dapat mengirimkan aplikasinya melalui e-mail ditujukan kepada:
· Ardiani Khrisna Maruti
· Ade Darmawansyah
Dengan subject: ECCD Scanning Partners dan menyertakan dokumen-dokumen berikut ini:
· Proposal project yang menggambarkan dengan jelas proses pencapaian objektif beserta metode dan alat/instrument yang akan digunakan.
· Penjelasan singkat tentang lembaga anda (untuk kandidat selain perorangan) dan covering letter yang menjelaskan bahwa anda adalah pilihan yang terbaik.
· Curriculum Vitae (CV)
· Anggaran yang dibutuhkan
Batas waktu pengiriman aplikasi paling lambat 12 Maret 2012, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan diinformasikan dan diproses lebih lanjut
Plan Indonesia telah menjalankan program untuk anak usia dini sejak sekitar 10 tahun terakhir. Dalam program tersebut, Plan fokus pada penguatan pelayanan untuk anak usia dini berbasis masyarakat, dengan Posyandu sebagai entry point. Pada saat yang bersamaan, program Plan juga berupaya meningkatkan kapasitas pemangku kebijakan lintas sektor dalam meningkatkan cakupan layanan serta kualitas layanan yang diberikan untuk anak usia dini. Didalamnya termasuk pelayanan kesehatan, gizi, pendidikan dan termasuk juga inklusi (anak berkebutuhan khusus)
Saat ini Plan Indonesia sedang mengembangkan disain program ECCD yang baru untuk periode FY13-FY17, yang akan menyasar rentang usia 0-8 tahun. Program ECCD ini akan terdiri dari:
1. Intervensi kesehatan ibu dan bayi baru lahir
2. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan orangtua/pengasuh dalam pengasuhan anak usia dini, melalui kelas-kelas keorangtuaan
3. Peningkatan cakupan dan kualitas layanan Pos PAUD (Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini), dengan penekanan juga pada anak dengan disabilitas
4. Intervensi berbasis sekolah maupun masyarakat, untuk membantu anak mengatasi tantangan yang dihadapi di tahun-tahun pertama di Sekolah Dasar (kelas 1-3 SD), juga dengan penekanan untuk membantu anak-anak dengan disabilitas dan kesulitan belajar
Salah satu strategi yang digunakan untuk menunjang program ini, Plan akan menjalin kerjasama kemitraan dengan organisasi atau lembaga baik lokal maupun internasional dalam keempat komponen program. Kemitraanyang pahami oleh Plan Indonesia adalah sebuah hubungan yang setara diantara dua atau lebih lembaga/institusi yang saling mendukung dalam kerangka mencapai tujuan bersama yang akan ditetapkan didalam setiap program.
Menyikapi kebutuhan diatas, serta merujuk pada panduaan kemitraan strategis Plan Indonesia, saat ini Plan bermaksud mencari konsultan (individu/lembaga) yang berpengalaman untuk melakukan identifikasi, scanning serta analisa terhadap organisasi atau lembaga baik tingkat nasional maupun daerah diseluruh Indonesia yang memiliki pengalaman dalam implementasi program terkait anak usia dini, yang dapat dijadikan mitra strategis bagi Plan Indonesia dalam implementasi program ECCD ke depan. Kebutuhan durasi kerja akan konsultan ini adalah untuk periode 1.5 (satu) bulan kerja.
Adapun tujuan dari seluruh proses identifikasi dan scanning ini adalah:
1. Mengidentifikasi organisasi atau lembaga yang memiliki pengalaman dan spesialisasi dalam implementasi program terkait anak usia dini, baik di sektor kesehatan (termasuk kesehatan ibu) dan gizi, pendidikan untuk anak usia dini dan sekolah dasar dan inklusi (anak dengan kebutuhan khsusus).
2. Mengidentifikasi sistem administrasi dan finansial organisasi atau lembaga yang memiliki pengalaman dalam implementasi program berkaitan dengan anak usia dini.
3. Memberikan rekomendasi daftar mitra yang paling potensial dan ideal untuk ditindak lanjuti oleh Plan Indonesia.
4. Memberikan masukan mengenai model kemitraan yang ideal dalam konteks program Anak Usia Dini.
Dalam melakukan proses identifikasi dan scaning mitra-mitra yang dimaksud diatas, konsultan dapat melakukan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut:
Tahap Pertama:Background Research and Desk Survey
1. Konsultan dapat melakukan secondary research melalui studi dokumen yang berisi profil lembaga yang sudah pernah bekerjasama dengan Plan Indonesia dalam konteks program untuk anak usia dini, laporan-laporan baik dari lembaga lembaga mitra Plan Indonesia maupun dari pemerintah serta instansi terkait, dari badan-badan PBB, serta dari lembaga internasional lainnya untuk mengidentifikasi organisasi/lembaga yang punya pengalaman implementasi program anak usia dini.
2. Dalam tahap pertama ini, Konsultan diharapkan bisa mendapatkan informasi detil tentang organisasi/lembaga, cakupan wilayah/lokasi intervensi dan jenis intervensi masing-masing organisasi/lembaga pada saat melakukan program untuk anak usia dini.
Tahap Kedua: Targeted Primary Research
Berdasarkan hasil tahap pertama, konsultan dapat melakukan riset untuk memilah organisasi dengan jenis intervensi yang sama dengan Plan kedalam 2 (dua) zona wilayah kerja sebagai berikut:
· Zona I : Meliputi provinsi Banten, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DIY, Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.
· Zona II : Meliputi provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Utara, Gorontalo, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Papua dan Papua Barat.
Tahap Ketiga:Recommendation Development
Konsultan akan menyusun laporan dalam bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan keluaran aktifitas termasuk usulan framework kemitraan yang ideal dalam konteks program untuk anak usia dini kepada Plan.
Hasil akhir yang diharapkan dari Konsultan terpilih adalah:
1. Data base yang berisi daftar nama organisasi atau lembaga yang memiliki pengalaman dalam implementasi program untuk anak usia dini di Indonesia, termasuk fokus bidang intervensinya uraian lengkap kontak person dan jangkauan lokasi/wilayah kerja dalam format excel
2. Short listed organisasi/lembaga minimal 15 lembaga yang memiliki jenis intervensi yang sama dengan Plan dan memiliki potensi untuk bermitra dengan Plan yang dilengkapi dengan data pendukung
3. profile organisasi/lembaga dan kapasitas organisasi.
4. Usulan framework kemitraan yang ideal dalam program untuk anak usia dini, sesai dengan komponen program ECCD Plan Indonesia.
5. Alat pengkajian dan metodologi penilaian kapasitas organisasi (organizational capacity assessment tools) yang digunakan yang didalamnya mencakup pengkajian untuk kompetensi organisasi, administrasi dan finansial, manajemen organisasi (organizational development) dan reputasi organisasi (track record).
Aktifitas Waktu
Rekruitmen Konsultan 1-12 Maret 2012
Seleksi Administrasi kandidat 15-19 Maret 2012
Pengumuman kepada kandidat yang terpilih 20-21 Maret 2012
Penandatangan Kontrak Kerjasama 22-24 Maret 2012
Start up workshop 25 Maret 2012
Proses Identifikasi dan Scanning organisasi 26 Maret – 16 Mei 2012
Penyerahan draft laporan 17-21 Mei 2012
Penyerahan laporan akhir 25 Mei 2012
Penyelesaian kontrak 29 Mei 2012
· Memiliki pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang lebih tentang program terkait anak usia dini, meliputi sektor kesehatan-gizi, pendidikan dan perlindungan
· Memiliki skill dan pengetahuan tentang Manajemen Data.
· Memiliki pengalaman dalam desain dan analisa program.
· Memiliki skill yang lebih dalam berbahasa Inggris terutama dalam penulisan.
Bagi Konsultan (Individu atau Lembaga) yang tertarik dapat mengirimkan aplikasinya melalui e-mail ditujukan kepada:
· Ardiani Khrisna Maruti
· Ade Darmawansyah
Dengan subject: ECCD Scanning Partners dan menyertakan dokumen-dokumen berikut ini:
· Proposal project yang menggambarkan dengan jelas proses pencapaian objektif beserta metode dan alat/instrument yang akan digunakan.
· Penjelasan singkat tentang lembaga anda (untuk kandidat selain perorangan) dan covering letter yang menjelaskan bahwa anda adalah pilihan yang terbaik.
· Curriculum Vitae (CV)
· Anggaran yang dibutuhkan
Batas waktu pengiriman aplikasi paling lambat 12 Maret 2012, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan diinformasikan dan diproses lebih lanjut
Vacancy - Training Specialist
Foundation( is a not-for-profit foundation which
strives to be a center of excellence for facilitating and improving access to
quality educationand to empowerment opportunities that contribute to poverty
reduction. The Foundation currently runs a number of philanthropic programs in
Indonesia ranging from scholarship, teachers training, school improvement
programs,research support, to small business development.
Tanoto Foundation is currently looking for
Training Specialist. Kindly read details below.
Technical Project Officer
(TPO), Training Specialist
The primary responsibility of this position is to ensure the content
and trainings, and achievements of results and impact of the training programs.
S/He will act as the primary implementer of training-related activities of
Tanoto Foundation programs in Riau/ Sumatera Utara/ Jambi. The incumbent
is responsible for providing program design, monitoring and evaluation and
impact measurement as well as implementation plans and milestones, to ensure
consistency with approved strategies within the entire Tanoto Foundation
baseline/ Knowledge Attitude & Practices Survey (KAP Survey) and
compile data or information from various sources regarding teacher
capacities and available resources for student-centered learning,
particularly in the areas of reading, language, mathematics, and natural
and social sciences. Ensure the proper socialization of project
Ensure program planning and implementation is
according to the set strategic plan, logical framework (log frame) and
work plan, and is appropriate for all project sites.
the development and implementation of training materials relevant for
projects and conduct all required trainings in the field.
Together with the Program Managers (PM) and M&E
Coordinator, design a monitoring tool, based on the log frame and
indicators, to ensure that
an appropriate monitoring system is in place, and is being implemented by
the Regional Project Officers (RPOs).
with the PM and Regional Project Manager (RPM) to ensure the targets of
the projects within the designated timeframe.
Advocate with and coordinate closely with
governments particularly education departments, and school staff to
encourage better educational services by them.
monthly reports to the RPM on the progress made and potential problems.
control and support any consultants of the projects in the field.
the financial administration of the field projects meet the standards of
the Tanoto Foundation system.
any other duties that may reasonably be assigned inline with the position.
Bachelors degree in Education or any relevant background.
At least 3 years experience as trainer/facilitator of
teacher trainings on teaching and learning methods
Good communications skills, including negotiation skills
Good interpersonal skills, including patience, diplomacy,
willingness to listen and respect for beneficiaries
Willing to spend a considerable amount of time in the field
Honest, responsible, self motivated and able to take
initiative under minimum supervision
Able to give helpful directions, detailed instructions and
Demonstrate ability to work as part of a team in a cross cultural
Able to negotiate and to clarify expectations of both
the beneficiaries and team
Based in Riau, Jambi or North Sumatra
with up to 50% traveling within the province to the project sites
you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume and
recent photograph
be informed that only qualified candidates will be contacted for further
Foundation( is a not-for-profit foundation which
strives to be a center of excellence for facilitating and improving access to
quality educationand to empowerment opportunities that contribute to poverty
reduction. The Foundation currently runs a number of philanthropic programs in
Indonesia ranging from scholarship, teachers training, school improvement
programs,research support, to small business development.
Tanoto Foundation is currently looking for
Training Specialist. Kindly read details below.
Technical Project Officer
(TPO), Training Specialist
The primary responsibility of this position is to ensure the content
and trainings, and achievements of results and impact of the training programs.
S/He will act as the primary implementer of training-related activities of
Tanoto Foundation programs in Riau/ Sumatera Utara/ Jambi. The incumbent
is responsible for providing program design, monitoring and evaluation and
impact measurement as well as implementation plans and milestones, to ensure
consistency with approved strategies within the entire Tanoto Foundation
baseline/ Knowledge Attitude & Practices Survey (KAP Survey) and
compile data or information from various sources regarding teacher
capacities and available resources for student-centered learning,
particularly in the areas of reading, language, mathematics, and natural
and social sciences. Ensure the proper socialization of project
Ensure program planning and implementation is
according to the set strategic plan, logical framework (log frame) and
work plan, and is appropriate for all project sites.
the development and implementation of training materials relevant for
projects and conduct all required trainings in the field.
Together with the Program Managers (PM) and M&E
Coordinator, design a monitoring tool, based on the log frame and
indicators, to ensure that
an appropriate monitoring system is in place, and is being implemented by
the Regional Project Officers (RPOs).
with the PM and Regional Project Manager (RPM) to ensure the targets of
the projects within the designated timeframe.
Advocate with and coordinate closely with
governments particularly education departments, and school staff to
encourage better educational services by them.
monthly reports to the RPM on the progress made and potential problems.
control and support any consultants of the projects in the field.
the financial administration of the field projects meet the standards of
the Tanoto Foundation system.
any other duties that may reasonably be assigned inline with the position.
Bachelors degree in Education or any relevant background.
At least 3 years experience as trainer/facilitator of
teacher trainings on teaching and learning methods
Good communications skills, including negotiation skills
Good interpersonal skills, including patience, diplomacy,
willingness to listen and respect for beneficiaries
Willing to spend a considerable amount of time in the field
Honest, responsible, self motivated and able to take
initiative under minimum supervision
Able to give helpful directions, detailed instructions and
Demonstrate ability to work as part of a team in a cross cultural
Able to negotiate and to clarify expectations of both
the beneficiaries and team
Based in Riau, Jambi or North Sumatra
with up to 50% traveling within the province to the project sites
you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume and
recent photograph
be informed that only qualified candidates will be contacted for further
Vacancy - Pelita Pendidikan Manager
Foundation( is a not-for-profit foundation which
strives to be a center of excellence for facilitating and improving access to
quality educationand to empowerment opportunities that contribute to poverty
reduction. The Foundation currently runs a number of philanthropic programs in
Indonesia ranging from scholarship, teachers training, school improvement
programs,research support, to small business development.
Tanoto Foundation is currently looking for
Pelita Pendidikan Manager. Kindly read details below.
Pelita Pendidikan Manager
Under the direction of the Education Director, the Pelita
Pendidikan Manager will play a key role in managing the Pelita Pendidikan
program and providing direct oversight to program implementation in the field.
The Pelita Pendidikan Manager will work with all levels of staff across the
Foundation to support the implementation of improved Monitoring and Evaluation
systems and tools to ensure high quality programming This role is based in
Jakarta , with frequent travel to the field including the
Provinces of Riau, Jambi and North Sumatra .
supervise the project field staff and oversee implementation of the
Program, in cooperation and coordination with Specialists related to field
with the Finance Department, make compiled expenditure projections and
procurement plans for Pelita Pendidikan projects in accordance with
procedures and requirements. Review monthly financial reports and define
provisional budget as required and coordinate timely submission to
Education Director.
the national staff and affiliated companies in conducting budget control
and monitoring of expenditures according to policies.
timely and accurate compilation of narrative reporting for Tanoto
Foundation field programs in accordance with requirements.
supervised staff receive adequate professional guidance and development
annual performance appraisals and quarterly reviews for all line managed
staff are conducted as required.
design and implement appropriate training and effective coaching and
mentoring strategies for program staff.
an open, diverse and participatory work environment.
Field operations
Lead the strengthening of program support and operations
in base offices:
improved project finance and procurement procedures (such as maintenance
of a pouch system, scanning and emailing documents, creation of a
preferred vendor list for local procurement, establishing systems for
local payroll, etc.), with technical assistance from finance, HR,
procurement and logistics)
that these pilot activities comply with all procedures and systems for
finance, HR, procurement, and logistics
current project and field staff performance and bring to the attention of
Directors any possible problems and/or recommendations in a timely manner
regular updates on progress in the pilot and issues arising to the
Education Director
Monitoring and Evaluation
and supervise evaluations, assessments, baselines, etc and ensure
sufficient oversight of technical consultants hired for these purposes
project monitoring systems and evaluations and facilitate the
incorporation of lessons-learned into current and future programming.
with the development of program monitoring, including indicators for
monitoring progress
Information sharing, learning,
in the development and maintenance of internal systems and mechanisms for
documentation and sharing of lessons learned across the program.
appropriate representation of Tanoto Foundation in programming, policy
coordination and information sharing forums at the national level.
staff team building across projects and provinces.
1. University
degree relevant to rural development (or equivalent professional experience)
and understanding of the complexities of development programming in a rural
2. Minimum
of 5 years project management experience in rural development
3. Demonstrated
skills in program design and proposal development, including partnership
4. Demonstrated
experience in project management and capacity building of staff and/or working
in an advisor or mentor role
5. Demonstrated
ability to build strong relations with local and national government, other
partners and businesses
6. Willingness
to spend at least 50% of time in semi-remote rural areas
7. Excellent
communication skills, including written and spoken English
Based in Jakarta
with up to 50% travel to field offices and project sites.
applicants should fill in the questionnaire attached.
you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume,
recent photograph, and the filled questionnaire (attached) to:
be informed that only qualified candidates will be contacted for further
Foundation( is a not-for-profit foundation which
strives to be a center of excellence for facilitating and improving access to
quality educationand to empowerment opportunities that contribute to poverty
reduction. The Foundation currently runs a number of philanthropic programs in
Indonesia ranging from scholarship, teachers training, school improvement
programs,research support, to small business development.
Tanoto Foundation is currently looking for
Pelita Pendidikan Manager. Kindly read details below.
Pelita Pendidikan Manager
Under the direction of the Education Director, the Pelita
Pendidikan Manager will play a key role in managing the Pelita Pendidikan
program and providing direct oversight to program implementation in the field.
The Pelita Pendidikan Manager will work with all levels of staff across the
Foundation to support the implementation of improved Monitoring and Evaluation
systems and tools to ensure high quality programming This role is based in
Jakarta , with frequent travel to the field including the
Provinces of Riau, Jambi and North Sumatra .
supervise the project field staff and oversee implementation of the
Program, in cooperation and coordination with Specialists related to field
with the Finance Department, make compiled expenditure projections and
procurement plans for Pelita Pendidikan projects in accordance with
procedures and requirements. Review monthly financial reports and define
provisional budget as required and coordinate timely submission to
Education Director.
the national staff and affiliated companies in conducting budget control
and monitoring of expenditures according to policies.
timely and accurate compilation of narrative reporting for Tanoto
Foundation field programs in accordance with requirements.
supervised staff receive adequate professional guidance and development
annual performance appraisals and quarterly reviews for all line managed
staff are conducted as required.
design and implement appropriate training and effective coaching and
mentoring strategies for program staff.
an open, diverse and participatory work environment.
Field operations
Lead the strengthening of program support and operations
in base offices:
improved project finance and procurement procedures (such as maintenance
of a pouch system, scanning and emailing documents, creation of a
preferred vendor list for local procurement, establishing systems for
local payroll, etc.), with technical assistance from finance, HR,
procurement and logistics)
that these pilot activities comply with all procedures and systems for
finance, HR, procurement, and logistics
current project and field staff performance and bring to the attention of
Directors any possible problems and/or recommendations in a timely manner
regular updates on progress in the pilot and issues arising to the
Education Director
Monitoring and Evaluation
and supervise evaluations, assessments, baselines, etc and ensure
sufficient oversight of technical consultants hired for these purposes
project monitoring systems and evaluations and facilitate the
incorporation of lessons-learned into current and future programming.
with the development of program monitoring, including indicators for
monitoring progress
Information sharing, learning,
in the development and maintenance of internal systems and mechanisms for
documentation and sharing of lessons learned across the program.
appropriate representation of Tanoto Foundation in programming, policy
coordination and information sharing forums at the national level.
staff team building across projects and provinces.
1. University
degree relevant to rural development (or equivalent professional experience)
and understanding of the complexities of development programming in a rural
2. Minimum
of 5 years project management experience in rural development
3. Demonstrated
skills in program design and proposal development, including partnership
4. Demonstrated
experience in project management and capacity building of staff and/or working
in an advisor or mentor role
5. Demonstrated
ability to build strong relations with local and national government, other
partners and businesses
6. Willingness
to spend at least 50% of time in semi-remote rural areas
7. Excellent
communication skills, including written and spoken English
Based in Jakarta
with up to 50% travel to field offices and project sites.
applicants should fill in the questionnaire attached.
you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume,
recent photograph, and the filled questionnaire (attached) to:
be informed that only qualified candidates will be contacted for further
Vacancy: Head of Specialist
Foundation( is a not-for-profit foundation which
strives to be a center of excellence for facilitating and improving access to
quality education and to empowerment opportunities that contribute to poverty
reduction. The Foundation currently runs a number of philanthropic programs in
Indonesia ranging from scholarship, teachers training, school improvement
programs,research support, to small business development.
Tanoto Foundation is currently looking for
Head of Specialists. Kindly read details below.
HEAD OF Specialists
Under the direction of the Head of Tanoto Foundation, the Head
of Specialists will play a key role in managing the operations and ensuring
implementation of all Tanoto Foundation programs, including supporting the
establishment of an integrated program and providing direct oversight to
program implementation in the field. The Head of Specialists will work with all
levels of staff across the Foundation to support the implementation of improved
Monitoring and Evaluation systems and tools to ensure high quality programming.
The Head of Specialists will also provide support to affiliated companies in
the creation of change visions, strategies, implementation plans, monitoring
and evaluation of CD/CSR programs within the companies. This role is based in
Jakarta , with frequent travel to the field including the
Provinces of Riau, Jambi and North Sumatra .
Strategic Directions and Program Quality
With guidance from the Head of Tanoto Foundation, the Head
of Specialists will:
Principally focus on ensuring the efficient
and effective implementation of all Tanoto Foundation programs through
management of central office and field teams, including
negotiating and managing requests from Senior Management and RGE
in the development of cohesive, focused and effective programming through
strategic planning processes.Ensure
the impact of program strategies are measured and reportedProvide
direct support to the Tanoto Foundation projects in policy, strategies and
standards relating to program design, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation, to maximise effectiveness.Ensure
the integration of research and recommendations for Tanoto Foundation
programs into planning and implementation.
In Monitoring and Evaluation:
with all Directors, supervise evaluations, assessments, baselines, etc and
ensure sufficient oversight of technical consultants hired for these
project monitoring systems and evaluations and facilitate the
incorporation of lessons-learned into current and future programming.Assist
with the development of program monitoring systems for the entire
organization, including indicators for monitoring progressSupport
affiliated company CD/CSR monitoring systems and evaluations and
facilitate the incorporation of lessons-learned into current and future
supervise the Regional Project Managers and field teams and oversee
implementation of all programs.Together
with the Directors and Finance Department, make compiled expenditure
projections and procurement plans for all programs in accordance with
procedures and requirements. Review monthly financial reports and define
provisional budget as required and coordinate timely submission to Head of
Tanoto Foundation.Support
staff and affiliated companies in conducting budget control and monitoring
of expenditures according to policiesUndertake
timely and accurate compilation of narrative reporting for all activities
in accordance with requirements.Ensure
supervised staff receive adequate professional guidance and development
annual performance appraisals and quarterly reviews for all line managed
staff are conducted as required.Work
with the Head of Tanoto Foundation in identifying, designing and
implementing appropriate training and effective coaching and mentoring
strategies for staff.Promote
an open, diverse and participatory work environment.
Information sharing, learning, collaboration
in the development and maintenance of internal systems and mechanisms for
documentation and sharing of lessons learned across the program and across
CD/CSR initiatives of affiliated companies.Ensure
appropriate representation of Tanoto Foundation in programming, policy
coordination and information sharing forums.Facilitate
staff team building across projects and provinces, including for those of
affiliated companies
1. University
degree relevant to rural development (or equivalent professional experience)
and understanding of the complexities of development programming in a rural
2. Minimum
of 5 years project management experience in rural development
3. Demonstrated
skills in program design and proposal development, including partnership
4. Demonstrated
experience in project management and capacity building of staff and/or working
in an advisor or mentor role
5. Demonstrated
ability to build strong relations with local and national government, other
partners and businesses
6. Willingness
to spend at least 50% of time in semi-remote rural areas
7. Excellent
communication skills, including written and spoken English
Based in Jakarta
with up to 50% travel to field offices and project sites.
Interested applicants
should fill in the questionnaire attached.
you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume,
recent photograph, and the filled questionnaire (attached) to:
be informed that only qualified candidates will be contacted for further
Foundation( is a not-for-profit foundation which
strives to be a center of excellence for facilitating and improving access to
quality education and to empowerment opportunities that contribute to poverty
reduction. The Foundation currently runs a number of philanthropic programs in
Indonesia ranging from scholarship, teachers training, school improvement
programs,research support, to small business development.
Tanoto Foundation is currently looking for
Head of Specialists. Kindly read details below.
HEAD OF Specialists
Under the direction of the Head of Tanoto Foundation, the Head
of Specialists will play a key role in managing the operations and ensuring
implementation of all Tanoto Foundation programs, including supporting the
establishment of an integrated program and providing direct oversight to
program implementation in the field. The Head of Specialists will work with all
levels of staff across the Foundation to support the implementation of improved
Monitoring and Evaluation systems and tools to ensure high quality programming.
The Head of Specialists will also provide support to affiliated companies in
the creation of change visions, strategies, implementation plans, monitoring
and evaluation of CD/CSR programs within the companies. This role is based in
Jakarta , with frequent travel to the field including the
Provinces of Riau, Jambi and North Sumatra .
Strategic Directions and Program Quality
With guidance from the Head of Tanoto Foundation, the Head
of Specialists will:
Principally focus on ensuring the efficient
and effective implementation of all Tanoto Foundation programs through
management of central office and field teams, including
negotiating and managing requests from Senior Management and RGE
in the development of cohesive, focused and effective programming through
strategic planning processes.Ensure
the impact of program strategies are measured and reportedProvide
direct support to the Tanoto Foundation projects in policy, strategies and
standards relating to program design, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation, to maximise effectiveness.Ensure
the integration of research and recommendations for Tanoto Foundation
programs into planning and implementation.
In Monitoring and Evaluation:
with all Directors, supervise evaluations, assessments, baselines, etc and
ensure sufficient oversight of technical consultants hired for these
project monitoring systems and evaluations and facilitate the
incorporation of lessons-learned into current and future programming.Assist
with the development of program monitoring systems for the entire
organization, including indicators for monitoring progressSupport
affiliated company CD/CSR monitoring systems and evaluations and
facilitate the incorporation of lessons-learned into current and future
supervise the Regional Project Managers and field teams and oversee
implementation of all programs.Together
with the Directors and Finance Department, make compiled expenditure
projections and procurement plans for all programs in accordance with
procedures and requirements. Review monthly financial reports and define
provisional budget as required and coordinate timely submission to Head of
Tanoto Foundation.Support
staff and affiliated companies in conducting budget control and monitoring
of expenditures according to policiesUndertake
timely and accurate compilation of narrative reporting for all activities
in accordance with requirements.Ensure
supervised staff receive adequate professional guidance and development
annual performance appraisals and quarterly reviews for all line managed
staff are conducted as required.Work
with the Head of Tanoto Foundation in identifying, designing and
implementing appropriate training and effective coaching and mentoring
strategies for staff.Promote
an open, diverse and participatory work environment.
Information sharing, learning, collaboration
in the development and maintenance of internal systems and mechanisms for
documentation and sharing of lessons learned across the program and across
CD/CSR initiatives of affiliated companies.Ensure
appropriate representation of Tanoto Foundation in programming, policy
coordination and information sharing forums.Facilitate
staff team building across projects and provinces, including for those of
affiliated companies
1. University
degree relevant to rural development (or equivalent professional experience)
and understanding of the complexities of development programming in a rural
2. Minimum
of 5 years project management experience in rural development
3. Demonstrated
skills in program design and proposal development, including partnership
4. Demonstrated
experience in project management and capacity building of staff and/or working
in an advisor or mentor role
5. Demonstrated
ability to build strong relations with local and national government, other
partners and businesses
6. Willingness
to spend at least 50% of time in semi-remote rural areas
7. Excellent
communication skills, including written and spoken English
Based in Jakarta
with up to 50% travel to field offices and project sites.
Interested applicants
should fill in the questionnaire attached.
you meet the above requirements, please email your comprehensive resume,
recent photograph, and the filled questionnaire (attached) to:
be informed that only qualified candidates will be contacted for further
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