Mar 13, 2012

Consultancy: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Percik Yunior Magazine

Plan is an international child-centered community development organization without religious, political or government affiliation. Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect human rights and dignity. 

We are looking for consultant to evaluate the effectiveness of Plan Indonesia "Percik Yunior Magazine". Interested consultant must send the (i) simple proposal, (ii) CVs, and (iii) budget breakdown, less than 5 megabytes,
, and
 with the deadline will be Monday, 16 April 2012. Late submission will be disqualified.
Below are several notes for this evaluation study:
-          The evaluation study must be finished before the end of August 2012.
-          The consultant must have at least 1 year experience in doing study or research related to behavior changes. Specific experiences in water sanitation is preferable
-          The budget proposed must include the taxes, as per tax regulation of Indonesia government (Act No. 36 of 2008, Article 21 ).
-          This evaluation is dependent upon donor funding and if funding is delayed the study may also be delayed

Please refer to attach Term of References for more information and details. 

All application will be treated in confidence. Only shortlist candidates will be contacted. Plan is an equal opportunity employer. As an International child-center development organization, Plan does not tolerate child abuse.Visit us at 

YEAR OF 2012
In Indonesia , more than 94 million people, or 43% of the population, do not have access to a toilet at home. The World Bank estimates the financial burden on poor basic sanitation in Indonesia is approximately US$6.3 billion, equal to 2.3% of GDP.[1] Besides, low access to clean drinking water and lack of understanding on the importance of hand-washing with soap and drinking water treatment  have their greatest impact on children, since more than 100,000 children die annually due to diarrhea. This is the main cause of infant mortality and the third cause of overall morbidity nationally.
It is understood that the core issue in water and sanitation problem is poor hygiene practices among the communities, both in rural and urban area. This is why most of water and sanitation improvement programs focus on the software development approach, which is to promote hygiene behavior to the communities living with low access to the water and sanitation facilities.
Several kinds of hygiene promotion strategies are implemented in the ground as the efforts to promote hygiene behavior / behavior change to the communities. Communication plays very important in this case. Communication through media promotes hygiene behavior messages with expected result to reach communal behavior change among the communities. Communication for behavior change could be in the form of direct campaign, media campaign, and peers-advocacy among the communities in rural and urban area. Especially for children, which are believed to act as agent of change, specific communication material needs to be developed and distributed to them.
One of the communication material that has been widely used to promote water and sanitation issue to the children grade 3rd-6thPreliminary Schools is Percik Yunior magazine, since 2005. The magazine has been distributed to all around Indonesia with the expectation that children will read it to understand the issue of water and sanitation that may surface in their surrounding environment. Many teachers in primary schools are also reported to use Percik Yunior as their teaching materials. By reading and understanding the content of Percik Yunior, it is expected that children will play their role as the agent of change to accelerate behavior change of entire communities, which eventually will improve communities’ access to water and sanitation facilities.
Despite the widely used of Percik Yunior, no formal evaluation has been conducted to formally measure the effectiveness of Percik Yunior in order to educate children regarding water and sanitation issues. Although some reported that Percik Yunior benefits children and community in general, the statement of children regarding their level on acceptance and understanding on the content of Percik Yunior remains undocumented and unrevealed. The distribution of Percik Yunior and which groups the most benefitted from the magazines are also yet to be exactly clear. Besides, whether the magazine has appropriately addressed the issues according to local context is also has not been studied.
Plan Indonesia, as the organization using Percik Yunior as its education media, sees that formal evaluation of Percik Yunior and the documentation of its acceptance among children are need to be taken. The impact given by the distribution of Percik Yunior in regard to behavior change among children is one of subjects for the evaluation. At the end, we also need to state how far the influences of Percik Yunior in enabling children as the agent of change within the water, sanitation, and hygiene development in Indonesia .
B.         STUDY TITLE
This study to evaluate the effectiveness of Percik Yunior will be titled: “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Percik Yunior Magazine in Influencing Behavior Change Among Children”
C.         OBJECTIVE
Primary objective:
To measure the impact on children’s behavior change as the result of their exposure on Percik Yunior Magazine.
Key Questions are below, but not limited to:
1.       What kinds of behavior changes occur among children as their read and understand Percik Yunior?
2.       What are the key factors that influence behaviour change?
3.       What is the level of children acceptance and understanding on each section of Percik Yunior (graphics & message)?[2]
4.       What is the level of acceptance & understanding (like above) to adults, i.e. teachers, caregivers, government.?
5.     How was the effectiveness of Percik Yunior distribution in order to reach the targeted audience? The effectiveness must be counted based on: distribution, usage, budget vs benefit.
6.      What are the roles and contribution of children and other parties in shaping the effective use of Percik Yunior as communication media? (this include teacher through school-teaching, parents through home-teaching, government budgeting, etc)
Below is John Hopkins chart of ‘behavior changes’, Fitri Putjuk, 2012. 

These are some expected outputs to be gained as the completion of the study:
1.       Identification and analysis of the Percik Yunior’s effectiveness in changing the behavior of children toward their understanding on its content and context.
2.       Identification of priority and supporting groups to influence behaviour change of children? (additional outputs)
3.       Identifications and analysis of all the factors involved in the success (or failure) of Percik Yunior to deliver its behavior change messages. This must ncludes enabling factors & disabling factors.
4.       An analytical notes on what makes Percik Yunior to be effective (or not effective) as intended to be.
5.       Recommendations based on study findings to further improve and developing Percik Yunior as the communication media targeted to the children.
From this study, the selected consultant needs to submit several reports to Plan Indonesia , as follow:
1.       Inception Report: detail of methodology, design, tools and planning of the study, including questionnaire and interview tools.
2.       Final Report: the summary of Inception Report, Field Work Report and with the addition of analysis of findings that answered all study’s key questions and fulfilled all the above expected outputs. This report must be submitted in English.
The data will be collected through various qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including a literature review (if applicable), focus group discussions, in-depth individual interviews, direct observation, and questionnaires. Quantitative data will be collected at all study sites. Data collected will include, among others, the number of children who have read and understand the Percik Yunior, as well as the number of children and other parties that have benefits from the Percik Yunior. Qualitative research methods will be employed at all study sites as well as at sub-district and district government levels.  Behavior Change Communication monitoring and evaluation methodology must be applied.[3]
The study will be conducted in at least three sampled locations that are to be decided later on. The most important criteria for selection is the location where Percik Yunior has been distributed and reported to be read by children. The presence of parents and teachers who used Percik Yunior as teaching materials at the study location will also determine the selection of study site.
The research will adopt a purposive sampling technique based on a set of criteria. Whereas, the selection of interview respondents will be based on criteria such as gender, age, socioeconomic status, etc. The final criteria will be finalized by the consultant in consultation with the Plan Indonesia.
As children will be important informants for the study, the consultant will need to design ethical safeguards and tools for working with children, which are broader than children informed consent. These will be applied during all research activities.
* Interview & FGD to creator of Percik Junior, which are: Plan Indonesia (Budi Suranto), Bappenas (Pokja AMPL), and designer (Klenthing jogja)
* FGD Sampling to children, teachers, and local Pokja AMPL of:
1. Rembang Program Unit
2. Soe Program Unit
3. Sikka Program Unit
No Activity # effective days Week-1 Week-2 Week-3 Week-4 Week-5 
1. Design instruments for study 4 days           
2. Interview to Plan, Bappenas,Klenthing 2 days           
3. Travel to Rembang. Conduct FGD sampling to children, teachers, Pokja AMPL 4 days           
4. Travel to Soe. Conduct FGD sampling to children, teachers, Pokja AMPL 4 days           
5 Travel to Sikka. Conduct FGD sampling to children, teachers, Pokja AMPL 5 days           
6 Analysis & presentation in Plan Indonesia Office 5 days           
7 Final Report 5 days           
  TOTAL EFFECTIVE DAYS 29 days           
I.           BUDGET INDICATIONThe budget in the proposal must include the air transportation, local trabsportation, accommodation & meal, including fee consultants (for maximum two persons).


[1] World Bank. (2008) The Economic Impact of Sanitation in Indonesia, World Bank, Jakarta , p1.
[2] there are 18 section in Percik: cover, redaction, kirimanku, story, LUP per theme/Laporan Utama, LUP tips, LUP health, LUP child rights, profile people, Wah/environmental conditions, comics per-theme, abracadabra/innovation of technology, sahabat kita/story from Plan Indonesia field, oleh-oleh/success stories, comics on child rights, quiz, experimental,kenalan Yuk/exploration
[3] Family Health International and USAID. (2004). Monitoring and Evaluating Behavior Change Communication Programs, 5-6. Arlington , VA. USA .

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