Feb 1, 2010


International and National Consultants for biodiversity project

Burung Indonesia (BirdLife Indonesia Association) is preparing a biodiversity project to strengthen production forest management in Indonesia through the development of non-timber income sources. A targeted assessment to develop a biodiversity-friendly forest management will be carried out to cover financing, marketing, legal, carbon trade, institutional, social and environmental context of management for environmental services and forest products.

Burung Indonesia invites qualified individuals to submit their interest for the following positions by sending CV to: recruit@burung.org on 9 February 2010 at the latest.

Please be advised that this is an invitation to express interest. Burung Indonesia is not in the position to provide any information to the interested individuals regarding selection process. Selection of consultant will be made after the vacancies are announced.

1. Team Leader/Lead Writer (International)

Purpose: To lead project design, studies, and consultations to ensure the deliver of project documents.

The main tasks will include: identifications of lessons learned/good practice in sustainable forest management; industry needs analysis; site and partner selection process; coordination of special studies; stakeholder consultations; project design and costing.

Qualification: Masters or PhD in natural resource/forest/environment management or other related fields with good knowledge of sustainable forest management and good capacity in social, regional development or governance issues.

2. Forest environmental services specialist (International)

Purpose: To provide analysis on the opportunities for environmental services development.

The main tasks will include: compile lessons learned and analyze success factors; identify opportunities for environmental services development; input to project design.

Qualification: Masters or PhD in Forest resource economics with good record of experience on environmental services research or project.

3. Forest carbon assessment and trade specialist (International)

Purpose: To identify and lead the development of procedures required to have MRV-able forest carbon credit employing high tier standards that includes plan for community consultation and benefit sharing among stakeholders

The main tasks will include: forest carbon policy and business review;
inform site selection and project design; contribute to business model design.

Qualification: Masters or PhD in related field with experience in forest carbon assessment and good knowledge on forest carbon trading.

4. Forest Carbon financing expert (International)

Purpose: To identify options to finance forestry sector mitigation through currently available mechanisms.

The main task will include: identify financing options for forestry sector mitigation; inform the development of business models.

Qualification: Masters in finance or other with proven experience on forest carbon financing, preferably both fund and market based mechanisms.

5. Benefit Cost Analyst (International)

Purpose: To provide analysis on the cost and benefits of the project.

The main tasks will include: identify and assess potential benefits of the project, the valuation of the benefits of the project, and the development cost analysis for the project.

Qualification: Masters or PhD in law with good record of experience on partnership, financial and investment legal or policies in management of production forest.

6. Social assessment specialist (National)

Purpose: To ensure that the project will be socially acceptable by key stakeholders.

The main tasks will include: Map and assess social issues around selected sites including access of vulnerable groups/indigenous peoples to nature resources; identify threats and opportunities for project implementation; contribute to project stakeholder engagement strategy.

Qualification: Masters in social or anthropology science with good records
of experience in developing social safeguards, community or stakeholders
assessment and familiar with participatory facilitation process.

7. Forest products business development specialist (National)

Purpose: To ensure that the project will be able to assist/facilitate the development of multiple forest products in project sites.

The main tasks will include: Compile lessons learned and analyze success factors; identify opportunities for forest products development; input to project design.

Qualification: Bachelors or Masters in forest resource economics with relevant of experience on non-timber forest product development.

8. Forest business model and financing expert (National)

Purpose: To ensure that the project will be able to facilitate the development of alternative business model based on multiple forest products and services.

The main tasks will include: Analysis of alternative business models in production forest; contribute to lessons learned study and project design.

Qualification: Masters or PhD in finance/economics with relevant of experience on forest resource economics, forest business models design as well as cost and benefit research for sustainable management forest.

9. Indonesian law and policy expert (National)

Purpose: To ensure that project design is informed with financial, business and other laws and policies related to production forest management.

The main tasks will include: Inform project strategy design with analysis of financial, business and other laws and policies relevant to production forest management.

Qualification: Bachelors or Masters in law with good record of experience on forestry, financial and investment legal or policies works.

10. Free Prior Informed Consent Facilitator (National)

Purpose: To inform the various parties of the project purpose and encourage them to participate in the design and implementation of the project.

The main tasks will include: Facilitate free prior informed consent (FPIC) consultation process at each site (includes community).

Qualification: Bachelors or Masters in social or anthropology science with good record of experience on community or stakeholders participatory facilitation process.

About Burung Indonesia

Burung Indonesia (BirdLife Indonesia Association) is the Indonesian partner of BirdLife International - a global partnership of conservation organizations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats, and global biodiversity.

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