Jan 30, 2012

Administrative Grants Officer

V A C A N C Y 
Administrative Grants Officer 


SEADI is a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) designed to respond quickly on a demand-driven basis to Government of Indonesia requests for assistance in addressing critical policy issues, especially pertaining to job creation and poverty reduction. Sound evidence-based economic policy-making and implementation is essential to achieving rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Strong institutions and capable individuals that can assist government to analyze policy options, as well as, to independently evaluate and advocate for policy positions are critical to this objective.
As one of the three components in SEADI Project, the grants program supports the project's economic analysis and capacity building activities. Awards will be given to institutions and individuals to support/conduct technical analyses, provide technical assistance, engage in public outreach and awareness, and implement training for the Government of Indonesia and/or research and advocacy organizations. 


To provide financial and administrative backstopping to SEADI Grants Program activities.

The Administrative Grant Officer will have the following tasks or areas of responsibility:
1. Permanent / Primary Responsibilities/ Duties
• Back office Grant Administration
- Registering incoming concept papers, recording meeting with applicants or grantees and other important events related with Grants Program in General Tracker database.
- Following up concept papers which pass initial screening, printing them and filing the hardcopies in map folders, organizing soft copies in the Grant Administration Database folder.
- Following up development of complete grant application in Application Process Tracker database.
- Preparing zip folder of application ready for scoring and compiling scoring result both soft copy and hardcopy.
- Supporting the Grants Manager in financial and administrative development of grant applications.
- Process all necessary internal financial / grant compliance forms, including grant agreements, grant negotiation memo, and other grant's procurement and financial documents.
- Supporting the Grants Manager in conducting financial / administrative monitoring and evaluation of the recipient's performance during the awarded period in order to facilitate the attainment of program objectives.
- Assuring administrative, financial and technical compliance with the terms and conditions of the grant., including checks related to USAID OMB Circular A-112; ADS 312 "Eligibility of Commodities"; and "As Applicable Standard Provision No. 6: Source, Origin and Nationality".

• Supporting the Grants Manager in reviewing and analyzing all financial performance and reports.
• Preparing internal documents to support amendments to the grant (if any).
• Supporting the Grants Manager in evaluating the recipient's financial performance:
- Preparing internal documents to suspend and/or to terminate the grant in case a grantee fails to comply with the financial terms and conditions of the grant.
- Maintain the electronic grant database and paper file system for each grant.
• Coordinating payment (with SEADI Project Accountant) for grantees achieving each benchmark and updating status in Grants Disbursement Monitoring Database.

2. Secondary Responsibilities / Duties
• Participate in regular internal training sessions to improve professional skills on a continuous basis. 
• To the extent feasible given other duties, provide general administrative support to the rest of the staff of SEADI in coordination with the SEADI Office Manager
• Perform additional secondary duties as assigned by Chief of Party.

3. Temporary Responsibilities / Duties
• To serve on temporary task forces, teams, and cross cutting initiatives project wide, as assigned.
4. Reporting Relationship
• Reports to the Grants Manager for day-to-day technical guidance.
• Reports to the Office Manager for administrative matters


The Administrative Grant Officer will be based in Jakarta. 

Interested applicants are requested to send a cover letter and resume (references will not be contacted prior the interview) tohrd@seadiproject.com
 by Friday, 10 February 2012. Please list the position title in the subject line of the email submission. 

No telephone inquiries, please. Only qualified and final candidates will be contacted. This position will be subject to USAID approval and salary scales. 

Nathan Associates, Inc. (www.nathaninc.com) was founded in 1946 and is a U.S. consulting firms providing expertise in developing and emerging-market countries worldwide. 

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